VokoscreenNG icon
VokoscreenNG icon



VokoscreenNG is a user friendly screencaster for Linux and Windows. It is a continuation of the now discontinued Vokoscreen project that has been totally rewritten from scratch using Qt and GStreamer.

VokoscreenNG screenshot 1

License model

  • FreeOpen Source


  • Windows
  • Linux
4.6 / 5 Avg rating (15)
0 news articles


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  1.  Lightweight


  1.  Screen Recording
  2.  Audio Recording
  3.  Record videos
  4.  Works Offline
  5.  Ad-free
  6.  No registration required
  7.  Support for Multiple Monitors
  8.  No Tracking
  9.  Text Overlays

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VokoscreenNG information

  • Developed by

    Volker Kohaupt
  • Licensing

    Open Source (GPL-2.0) and Free product.
  • Written in

  • Rating

    Average rating of 4.6 (15 ratings)
  • Alternatives

    161 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

AlternativeTo Categories

Video & MoviesAudio & Music

GitHub repository

  •  1,167 Stars
  •  93 Forks
  •  126 Open Issues
  •   Updated Feb 8, 2025 
View on GitHub

Our users have written 10 comments and reviews about VokoscreenNG, and it has gotten 66 likes

VokoscreenNG was added to AlternativeTo by lama on Feb 13, 2013 and this page was last updated Sep 1, 2021. VokoscreenNG is sometimes referred to as VokoScreen.

Comments and Reviews

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Top positive commentMar 15, 2013

Vokoscreen is the best GUI frontend for FFMPEG when it comes to screen recording in my personal experience. If you've been using RecordMyDesktop, I seriously suggest changing to this now.


Works well on Ubuntu 12.04, 12.10 and 13.04.

Able to record fullscreen games.

Hardly takes up any resources.

Simple to use GUI.

Able to record sound as well as video, and mic all in one go.

Supports Alsa and Pulseaudio.

Cons: Only way to install it is via PPA currently. Audio can go out of sync sometimes.

If you'd like to see how it records games, check out my Youtube channel. I try to record as many games on Ubuntu, with highest graphics settings in Fullscreen, and I use Vokoscreen for pretty much all of them now. I used to use RMD, not anymore though.


[Edited by Sabun, March 15]

Irving O.
ReviewJun 29, 2024

Si funciona..., pero le cuesta a mi pc procesarlo. Si tienes un equipo potente, te ira bien

Positive commentMar 24, 2022

Very clean and simply does what you want. I was inclined to write this review purely because the installer is very nice (Windows), other software installers should take notes. Unfortunately I had to switch to OBS Studio because for some reason I could not find a way to change bitrate or frames with this, there is limited codecs, at least when you install it maybe you can get more, and I also had trouble with the annotations, seemed to bug, however I was using a beta version. For this reason I'm giving 4 stars, I may be back to give it ago in the future and I definitely recommend you try it.

Positive commentFeb 13, 2022

Best Open source Screen Recorder

Positive commentJan 12, 2022

Open source, can record audio and the webcam (unlike Peek), can show mouse click overlays. v3.2 supports multiple monitors.

Shahmi Saidi
Positive commentDec 31, 2021

Easy to use interface, simply just hit record and when recording stopped a video file is emitted. It's as simple as that, and useful too

Positive commentNov 24, 2021

An easy alternative for Windows of RecordMyDesktop

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What is VokoscreenNG?

VokoscreenNG is a user friendly screencaster for Linux and Windows. It is a continuation of the now discontinued Vokoscreen project that has been totally rewritten from scratch using Qt and GStreamer.