stretchly AlternativesPrevent RSI Apps & Health Tools like stretchly
stretchly is described as 'Is cross-platform open source app that reminds you to take breaks when working with computer' and is a very popular Prevent RSI app in the sport & health category. There are more than 50 alternatives to stretchly for a variety of platforms, including Windows, Mac, Linux, iPhone and Android Tablet apps. The best stretchly alternative is Workrave, which is both free and Open Source. Other great apps like stretchly are ZenBreak, LookAway, BreakTimer and Safe Eyes Linux.
filter to find the best alternatives
stretchly alternatives are mainly Health Tools but may also be Prevent RSI Apps or Color Temperature Tools. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of stretchly.- Prevent RSI App
- Freemium • Open Source
- 196 likes63 Workrave alternatives
Workrave is a free application designed to prevent and recover from Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSIs) by encouraging regular breaks and micro-pauses during computer use.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application types
- Windows
- Linux
Workrave VS stretchly
Is Workrave a good alternative to stretchly? - 6 likes62 ZenBreak alternatives
ZenBreak gently reminds you to take meaningful breaks from your devices. Customize your breaks and embrace a healthier relationship with technology.
ZenBreak VS stretchly
Is ZenBreak a good alternative to stretchly? - 3 likes61 LookAway alternatives
LookAway puts your Mac in rest mode at regular intervals to help you rest your eyes. It's gentle, smart, and fully customizable.
License model
- Paid • Proprietary
Application types
- Mac
LookAway Features
LookAway VS stretchly
Is LookAway a good alternative to stretchly? - 8 likes62 BreakTimer alternatives
Save yourself from RSI and eye-strain BreakTimer allows you to set up customizable breaks and will remind you to take them. BreakTimer is free and open source and available for Windows, macOS and Linux.
BreakTimer VS stretchly
Is BreakTimer a good alternative to stretchly? - 22 likes29 Safe Eyes Linux alternatives
SafeEyes is an application that tries to protect your eyes from eye strain (asthenopia) by reminding you to take breaks while you're working long hours at the computer. It was created as a free and open source Linux alternative for EyeLeo, a Windows-only app.
Safe Eyes Linux VS stretchly
Is Safe Eyes Linux a good alternative to stretchly? - 1 like15 TotalPause alternatives
TotalPause is a break reminder tool designed to remind you to take breaks and help you calm down and focus, enhancing productivity and promoting a healthier lifestyle.
License model
- Freemium • Proprietary
Application types
- Mac
TotalPause Features
TotalPause VS stretchly
Is TotalPause a good alternative to stretchly? - 21 likes48 RSIBreak alternatives
RSIBreak is a small utility to remind you to take regular short breaks. Repetitive Strain Injury is an illness which can occur as a result of continuous work with a mouse and keyboard. The risk of suffering injury increases the longer users work without breaks.
RSIBreak VS stretchly
Is RSIBreak a good alternative to stretchly? - Like this app60 Cronometer - Break Reminders alternatives
Cronometer is a macOS Menu Bar application designed to help you maintain a healthy work-life balance with seamless break reminders, time tracking, and habit monitoring. Prioritize your well-being while staying productive with powerful features aimed at reducing strain and...
Cronometer - Break Reminders VS stretchly
Is this a good alternative to stretchly? - 2 likes8 Sane Break alternatives
Sane Break is a cross-platform break reminder designed to help you take meaningful breaks without disrupting your workflow. Sane Break allows you to take ownership of when to stop and break. It starts by providing a gentle, non-intrusive reminder through a flashing window.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application types
- Mac
- Windows
- Linux
- Flathub
- Flatpak
Sane Break VS stretchly
Is Sane Break a good alternative to stretchly? - 31 likes141 Iris alternatives
Iris is software which makes monitors healthy for the eyes. With iris you can reduce the blue light emitted from your screen for better sleep, reduce the brightness of your screen and avoid eye pain.
License model
- Freemium • Proprietary
Application types
- Mac
- Windows
- Linux
Iris Features
Iris VS stretchly
Is Iris a good alternative to stretchly? - 19 likes58 Eyeleo alternatives
EyeLeo is a handy PC application that reminds you to take a break for your eyes.
License model
- Free • Proprietary
Application types
- Windows
Eyeleo Features
Eyeleo VS stretchly
Is Eyeleo a good alternative to stretchly? - 34 likes160 Time Out alternatives
Break timer with micro-breaks for Mac OS X. It is very easy to fall into bad habits when using a computer for hours on end. You care about what you are doing, so can sometimes push yourself too far, or over-strain yourself. The human body isn't built to sit in one position fo.
License model
- Free • Proprietary
Application types
- Mac
Time Out Features
Time Out VS stretchly
Is Time Out a good alternative to stretchly?
Comments about Workrave as an Alternative to stretchly
It has an option to lock the computer when a break is due.