The Best AutoHotkey AlternativesTop Task Automation Apps & Text Expanders like AutoHotkey
AutoHotkey is described as 'Free, open-source scripting language for Windows that allows users to easily create small to complex scripts for all kinds of tasks such as: form fillers, auto-clicking, macros, etc' and is a leading Task Automation app in the office & productivity category. There are more than 100 alternatives to AutoHotkey for a variety of platforms, including Windows, Mac, Linux, Web-based and Android apps. The best AutoHotkey alternative is Microsoft PowerToys, which is both free and Open Source. Other great apps like AutoHotkey are AutoIt, espanso, AutoKey and Tasker.
filter to find the best alternatives
AutoHotkey alternatives are mainly Task Automation Apps but may also be Text Expanders or Web Scraping Tools. Other popular filters includes Mac + Free and Windows + Open Source. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of AutoHotkey.- Task Automation App
- Free • Open Source
- 204 likes56 Microsoft PowerToys alternatives
Microsoft PowerToys is a set of utilities for power users aimed at enhancing Windows productivity. The available utilities include:
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application types
- Windows
Microsoft PowerToys VS AutoHotkey
Is Microsoft PowerToys a good alternative to AutoHotkey? - 190 likes116 AutoIt alternatives
Use a straightforward BASIC-like scripting language to automate your Windows GUI. Simulate key presses, mouse movement, window attributes and much more.
AutoIt VS AutoHotkey
Is AutoIt a good alternative to AutoHotkey?Comments about AutoIt as an Alternative to AutoHotkey
Very easy, well documented and powerfull script language. Once you start using it you will never stop. But, one thing is missing to make AutoIt perfect: Debugger
1It is a really powerful tool, it enables easy automation of desktop App (at least that is what i used it for) with an easy programming language. i think that anyone with basic programming experience can easily use it and do some cool stuff avoiding repetetieve tasks.
-1 espanso VS AutoHotkey
Is espanso a good alternative to AutoHotkey?- 34 likes68 AutoKey alternatives
AutoKey, previously known as AutoKey Py3, is a Python 3 port of the discontinued OldAutoKey , the desktop automation utility for Linux and X11.
AutoKey Features
AutoKey VS AutoHotkey
Is AutoKey a good alternative to AutoHotkey?Comments about AutoKey as an Alternative to AutoHotkey
SergioInTorontoSimple, efficient, full access to python in scripts.
0 - 139 likes47 Tasker alternatives
Advanced automation app for Android that lets you trigger actions like alarms and app launches based on configurable events like phone calls or time of day. Tasker also lets you create apps using these automation features.
License model
- Paid • Proprietary
Application type
- Android
- Android Tablet
Tasker Features
Tasker VS AutoHotkey
Is Tasker a good alternative to AutoHotkey? - 114 likes125 FastKeys alternatives
All in one Windows automation software. Fully configurable text expander, start menu, shortcuts, auto complete and mouse gestures. User-defined commands to run files, open webpages, send macros or automate anything. Incredibly powerful but yet simple to use.
FastKeys VS AutoHotkey
Is FastKeys a good alternative to AutoHotkey? - 64 likes58 Pulover’s Macro Creator alternatives
Pulover’s Macro Creator is a Free Automation Tool and Script Generator. It is based on AutoHotkey language and provides users with multiple automation functions, as well as a built-in recorder.
BundlewareFrom version 4.5.1, during installation, the user is presented with an offer for software by Lavasoft and a button to decline.
Pulover’s Macro Creator VS AutoHotkey
Is this a good alternative to AutoHotkey?Comments about Pulover’s Macro Creator as an Alternative to AutoHotkey
jorgeeliecerIt needs polish but is a powerful tool to get started fast with autohotkey even if you know nothing about programing, the catch is that some times it get stuck and need to restart but is totally worth it if you wand a macro knowing almost nothing and geting done really quick
1 - 104 likes73 BetterTouchTool alternatives
BetterTouchTool is a great, feature packed app that allows you to configure many gestures for your Magic Mouse (1 & 2), Macbook Trackpad and Magic Trackpad (1 & 2) and also Mouse Gestures for normal mice.
BetterTouchTool Features
BetterTouchTool VS AutoHotkey
Is BetterTouchTool a good alternative to AutoHotkey? - 49 likes55 Keyboard Maestro alternatives
Automate applications or web sites, text or images, simple or complex, on command or scheduled. You can automate virtually anything.
License model
- Paid • Proprietary
Application types
- Mac
Keyboard Maestro Features
Keyboard Maestro VS AutoHotkey
Is Keyboard Maestro a good alternative to AutoHotkey? - 17 likes20 Microsoft Power Automate alternatives
Microsoft Power Automate is an advanced automation platform. It offers a wide range of features, including AI-powered automation, RPA, BPA, DPA, and process/task mining.
License model
- Freemium • Proprietary
Application types
- Windows
- Online
- Android
- iPhone
- Microsoft Edge
- Google Chrome
- Mozilla Firefox
Microsoft Power Automate VS AutoHotkey
Is this a good alternative to AutoHotkey? - 46 likes61 Actiona alternatives
Actiona (formerly known as Actionaz) is a task automation tool. It allows you to create and execute action lists.
Actiona Features
Actiona VS AutoHotkey
Is Actiona a good alternative to AutoHotkey?Comments about Actiona as an Alternative to AutoHotkey
didn't show in previews or text the software had the ability to press a few keys and have a presaved text document entered into/onto a form, or a text field.
0cannot create standalone script on linux
1 - 40 likes56 Clavier+ alternatives
Clavier+ allows you to create global keyboard shortcuts for launching applications, opening folders, writing text and opening websites.
Clavier+ VS AutoHotkey
Is Clavier+ a good alternative to AutoHotkey?Comments about Clavier+ as an Alternative to AutoHotkey
Simplicity: Windows 10 has broken storage of shortcuts keys to .lnk files; this is a good replacement with additional capabilities.
Comments about Microsoft PowerToys as an Alternative to AutoHotkey
AutoHotkey is more like an scripting language, Microsoft PowerToys is a set of tools that help you out a lot, but not like AHK
It is a completely different app for windows tweeks, while auto hotkeys is a script creator
PowerToys is not able to remap keys to other characters, macro, or actions. But just to remap keys to other keys. Even system keys though.