Rest Time Alternatives
Rest Time is described as 'Taking regular rest breaks away from your computer is essential to stay focused and productive throughout the day. Short breaks also boost concentration and prevent discomfort and Repetitive Strain Injuries' and is a Prevent RSI app. There are more than 25 alternatives to Rest Time for a variety of platforms, including Mac, Windows, Linux, Web-based and BSD apps. The best Rest Time alternative is stretchly, which is both free and Open Source. Other great apps like Rest Time are Workrave, ZenBreak, LookAway and BreakTimer.
filter to find the best alternatives
Rest Time alternatives are mainly Health Tools but may also be Prevent RSI Apps or Pomodoro Timers. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Rest Time.- Prevent RSI App
- Paid • Proprietary
- 3 likes55 Big Stretch Reminder alternatives
Big Stretch is a free simple reminder tool that prompts a user to take regular breaks and helps prevent the symptoms of RSI. Alternatively it can be a simple reminder program to tell you when it’s your coffee break!
Big Stretch Reminder VS Rest Time
Is Big Stretch Reminder a good alternative to Rest Time? - 3 likes45 Emanen Motomu alternatives
It is very easy to fall into bad habits when using a computer for hours on end. You care about what you are doing, so can sometimes push yourself too far, or over-strain yourself. The human body isn't built to sit in one position for endless hours, gripping a mouse or typing...
License model
- Free Personal • Proprietary
Application types
- Windows
Emanen Motomu Features
DiscontinuedThe project is no longer developed. Last version, 3.2, released in May 2015, can be still downloaded from Codeplex.
Emanen Motomu VS Rest Time
Is Emanen Motomu a good alternative to Rest Time? - 2 likes51 Angelic Retreat alternatives
Angelic Retreat is a simple program which periodically blocks your computer to force you rest. If you have used similar ones before, you know about their cruel nature. Angelic Retreat is an attempt to create a humane software of such kind where the most significant aspects could...
Angelic Retreat VS Rest Time
Is Angelic Retreat a good alternative to Rest Time? - 6 likes52 Rest alternatives
Rest is an app for your computer that keeps you productive and healthy throughout the day.
It does so by reminding you to take a break every now and then, optionally suggesting great mini exercises that you can do right there in your office chair.
License model
- Paid • Proprietary
Application types
- Mac
- Windows
Rest Features
Rest VS Rest Time
Is Rest a good alternative to Rest Time? - 3 likes53 Wellnomics WorkPace alternatives
WorkPace is one of the most sophisticated computer ergonomics packages available. WorkPace monitors your mouse and keyboard
Wellnomics WorkPace VS Rest Time
Is Wellnomics WorkPace a good alternative to Rest Time? - 1 like52 Recess alternatives
We know that it is not good for our health when spending hour after hour in front of the screen. It might effect our bodies negatively, e.g., stiff, throbbing, ... Recess is necessary. We need to take a short break, e.g.
License model
- Free • Proprietary
Application types
- Mac
Recess Features
Recess VS Rest Time
Is Recess a good alternative to Rest Time? - 1 like55 Eyes Care alternatives
Eyes Care is a desktop application built with Flutter, designed to help users maintain healthy eyes by following the 20-20-20 rule. The app reminds users to take regular breaks and rest their eyes to reduce eye strain and prevent digital eye fatigue.
Eyes Care VS Rest Time
Is Eyes Care a good alternative to Rest Time? - 1 like44 Blink Eye alternatives
An Open Source minimalist eye care reminder & Break Timer app for Windows, macOS, and Linux.
License model
- Freemium • Open Source
Application types
- Mac
- Windows
- Linux
Blink Eye VS Rest Time
Is Blink Eye a good alternative to Rest Time? - Like this app52 Look Away alternatives
This is a minimalistic Mac app which reminds you to take a 20 second break to look at something 20 feet away every 20 minutes, i.e. enforce the 20-20-20 rule. These breaks help preserve the eyes from strain, dryness, fatigue and other ill effects of the Computer Vision Syndrome...
Look Away VS Rest Time
Is Look Away a good alternative to Rest Time? Twenttty VS Rest Time
Is Twenttty a good alternative to Rest Time?- Like this app53 Pandan alternatives
Pandan is a time awareness tool, not a traditional time tracker or break reminder. It shows you how long you have been actively using your computer, to make you aware and let you decide when it's time to take a break.
Pandan VS Rest Time
Is Pandan a good alternative to Rest Time? - Like this app47 PetBar alternatives
Do you miss the peaceful moments when your cat or dog sleeping around while you are working?
PetBar VS Rest Time
Is PetBar a good alternative to Rest Time?