RestStop icon
RestStop icon



RestStop sits in your tray and gives you non-intrusive reminders to rest after you’ve worked continuously for awhile. It looks like an hourglass, and it fits right in with the other Windows tray icons.

RestStop screenshot 1

License model

  • FreeOpen Source

Application type


  • Windows
4.5 / 5 Avg rating (2)
0 news articles


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  1.  Customizable


  1.  Reminders
  2.  Sits in the System Tray
  3.  Reduce Eyestrain
  4.  Native application
  5.  Timer
  6.  Stretches

RestStop News & Activities

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    POX added RestStop as alternative to Breather
    20 days ago
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    justarandom added RestStop as alternative to Look Away
    29 days ago
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    nomandhoni added RestStop as alternative to Blink Eye
    3 months ago
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    MarkC123 added RestStop as alternative to Hability
    4 months ago
  • scumhero reviewed RestStop  
    5 months ago

    That's not just an unobtrusive solution, it's actually a pleasant one. Blends well with default icons and MiniBin 👍🏻

  • scumhero liked RestStop
    5 months ago
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    randomperson added RestStop as alternative to Eyes Care
    8 months ago
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RestStop information

  • Developed by

  • Licensing

    Open Source and Free product.
  • Written in

  • Rating

    Average rating of 4.5
  • Alternatives

    38 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

AlternativeTo Category

Sport & Health

GitHub repository

  •  39 Stars
  •  6 Forks
  •  4 Open Issues
  •   Updated May 18, 2018 
View on GitHub

Our users have written 1 comments and reviews about RestStop, and it has gotten 4 likes

RestStop was added to AlternativeTo by gazugafan on May 21, 2018 and this page was last updated Sep 27, 2021.

Comments and Reviews

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Top positive commentSep 10, 2024

That's not just an unobtrusive solution, it's actually a pleasant one. Blends well with default icons and MiniBin 👍🏻


What is RestStop?

RestStop sits in your tray and gives you non-intrusive reminders to rest after you’ve worked continuously for awhile. It looks like an hourglass, and it fits right in with the other Windows tray icons.

By default, rest stops are needed after 1 hour of continuous activity. After this, the hourglass will be depleted and you'll hear a calming bell toll. These are meant to be subtle indications that it's time to rest. You don't have to, though! There's nothing to dismiss, and nothing to stop you from working a bit more.

Every 10 minutes after this, you'll get an extra reminder that your rest stop is overdue. A slightly less calming bell will toll, and the hourglass will slowly flash red. Again, these are not meant to disrupt your work... only to help you keep in mind that it's probably time for a break. You can also just glance at the hourglass icon... it's slowly trickling down to your next rest stop!

Once you're ready to rest... just rest! Step away from the computer. Do some stretches. Grab some coffee. Whatever! As long as you're not active at the computer for at least 5 minutes, we'll consider you rested. Once you return from a rest and start using the computer again, we'll automatically reset your activity counter and start counting down to your next rest stop.

There's nothing to interact with and nothing to get in your way... just subtle reminders to rest. If you'd like us to get in your way a little more, you can turn notifications on in the settings.

If you want us to get in your way even more, like popping up a screen-filling STOP WORKING window in front of whatever you might be working on, then this isn't the app for you (check out Stretchly instead). We think doing that will just annoy you and cause you to eventually abandon the app altogether. And hey, sometimes you really do need to get stuff done and can't take a break. In those cases we'll just be down in the tray whispering in your ear--not jumping in front of you and twisting your arm.

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