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Raspberry Pi OS icon

Raspberry Pi OS


Raspberry Pi OS (previously called Raspbian) is the Foundation’s official supported operating system. You can install it with NOOBS or download the image below and follow our installation guide.

Raspberry Pi OS screenshot 1

License model

  • FreeOpen Source


  • Linux
  • Raspberry Pi
2.7 / 5 Avg rating (3)


Suggest and vote on features
  1.  ARM support
  2.  Linux command line
  3.  Based on Debian

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Top positive commentJun 12, 2023

The best OS for the best SOC in support terms, not all is raw power and hardware, software is also very important and the rpi foundation is the only one making a cheap arm soc that is actually usable with their optimized OS

Top negative commentJul 21, 2022

update bricks OS bricks SD card This is a nightmare. It is just incredible how janky Debian in general is, but Raspbian is truly another level of suffering. Unless you back up (clone) the entire OS install daily, just forget this worthless mess of an OS. It does not function reliably enough for anything but a one-time screw-around with Retroarch. And even if it did, updating it may brick the data device. That's how bad this thing is; just updating it can destroy hardware. I cannot express how much I regret spending any time at all on this, truly you could not offer me any amount of money to tolerate how badly made this is ever again. It's like all of the development time went into making every single design decision for every single component of this software as excruciating as possible to interact with. It's even really little things, like how in the imager the manufacturer provides to flash this OS, you cannot double click to select text for configuration - you have to shift+arrow. Why? Because f**k the end user, that's why. I HATE THIS OS. I'm not some total noob when it comes to less-than-stellar software either; I know my way around Manjaro, Ubuntu & Fedora. This, though - cancer in every way & designed by sadists specifically to punish you for their pleasure. Thankfully, since the Raspberry people have a super inflated ego, they overprice the hell out of their pathetic ARM toys. As a result, competitor products with a real x86 CPU are CHEAPER now. So use one of those and never have to tolerate this TRUE TRASH in your life. Update: just tried this again since it has been some time. Nope, even worse than before - just mounting a hard drive to a folder can totally brick the entire SD card. Why? Raspberry Pi team, that's why! These people couldn't figure out a relay let alone an entire SBC.

Negative commentApr 27, 2022

All versions of Raspbian are quite slow in updating even the most important packages. Not good for my usage. Might be good for you...


What is Raspberry Pi OS?

Raspberry Pi OS (previously called Raspbian) is the Foundation’s official supported operating system. You can install it with NOOBS or download the image below and follow our installation guide.

Raspberry Pi OS comes pre-installed with plenty of software for education, programming and general use. It has Python, Scratch, Sonic Pi, Java and more.

The Raspberry Pi OS with Desktop image contained in the ZIP archive is over 4GB in size, which means that these archives use features which are not supported by older unzip tools on some platforms. If you find that the download appears to be corrupt or the file is not unzipping correctly, please try using 7Zip (Windows) or The Unarchiver (Macintosh). Both are free of charge and have been tested to unzip the image correctly.

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Our users have written 3 comments and reviews about Raspberry Pi OS, and it has gotten 101 likes

Raspberry Pi OS was added to AlternativeTo by cpfotiadis on Nov 18, 2013 and this page was last updated Jul 19, 2023. Raspberry Pi OS is sometimes referred to as Raspbian.