Programmer's Notepad icon
Programmer's Notepad icon

Programmer's Notepad


Notepad more focused on developing than just scribble down notes.

These is not an exhaustive feature list, but gives you some idea of the features present in Programmer’s Notepad.

  • Syntax Highlighting for lots of languages, configured with schemes
  • Multi-language use.
PN on Vista

License model

  • FreeOpen Source

Application types


  • Windows

not updated since 3 dec 2016

3.7 / 5 Avg rating (3)
0 news articles


Suggest and vote on features
  1.  Syntax Highlighting
  2.  Portable
  3.  Tabbed interface
  4.  Multiple languages
  5.  Support for regular expressions
  6.  Search and Replace

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Programmer's Notepad information

  • Developed by

    Simon Steele
  • Licensing

    Open Source and Free product.
  • Rating

    Average rating of 3.7
  • Alternatives

    127 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

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Our users have written 7 comments and reviews about Programmer's Notepad, and it has gotten 63 likes

Programmer's Notepad was added to AlternativeTo by Stuck on Oct 15, 2008 and this page was last updated Aug 31, 2022. Programmer's Notepad is sometimes referred to as PN, Programmer's Notepad.

Comments and Reviews

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Top positive comment
Pending approval • Edited Jan 10, 2023

I'm happy to find a tabbed Free OpenSource alternative to Notepad ++. It has the highlighting.. One thing I like better about Notepad ++ is that I can rename a file while I'm in it. I also miss the blank line removal that Notepad++ has. I'm switching over to PsPad as another secondary because it has the blank line removal, tabbed interface, and highlighting like Notepad++.

Top negative commentDec 12, 2021

This program seems to be discontinued. Last version 2.4.2 dated 2016.

1 reply

Sometimes people create something right and it doesn't need updating.

Reply written Mar 14, 2022

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Positive commentMar 14, 2022

Way better than any other editors I've used, the only gripe is manual refresh of the project pane, but at least it works, unlike some other programs.... Style editing great, this software just works.

CommentMay 5, 2011

Just found out that Obsidian color scheme is in the ToolsOptionsStyles configuration. Sweet.

CommentApr 8, 2011

A solid choice for a simple yet powerful programmer's editor. Compare's well to the best.

I like the fact that the interface is clean enough to serve as a notepad replacement for the average user, which is the primary reason I went looking again for an editor after being a longtime Notepad++ fan. However, under the hood is a polished feature set focused on the coder, with almost everything you'd expect and no fluff. Bonus points for a logically organized toolbars, options dialog and sensible defaults.

Compares well with Notepad++ and PSPad, my other two favorites, but feels more lightweight while still carrying the necessary features. Has all of the basics you would expect such as syntax-highlighting, find-in-files, show whitespace, macros, notepad-replacement (through registry image file execution), external tools, etc.

It also has the somewhat rare combination of advanced features that I happen to care about:

  • Regex search and replace (perl syntax)
  • Column-mode selection (from scintilla component)
  • Code-folding
  • Python-scriptable

I only am left wanting for a couple features I miss from Notepad++, namely:

  • Obsidian color scheme
  • Ctrl-Shift-arrow to move lines up and down
  • Markdown syntax highlighting

Also works with Zen coding.

Very good stuff. I'm starting to prefer it over Notepad++ and PSPad. Worth a look for any programmer, or regular user. Don't be fooled by the UI into thinking it's not a powerful editor.

CommentApr 9, 2010

far superior to notepad++. I like that you can configure tools per extension

CommentApr 3, 2010

Very good programming editor, use it daily for all my coding. Regular updates. Very configurable, great regex/search & replace support. Not an IDE, just an editor. Used to use (and paid for) Textpad, but that grew stale after no updates. Tried notepad++, but this was a lot less messy. Highly recommended for a simple & fast but very powerful text editor.


What is Programmer's Notepad?

Notepad more focused on developing than just scribble down notes.

These is not an exhaustive feature list, but gives you some idea of the features present in Programmer’s Notepad.

  • Syntax Highlighting for lots of languages, configured with schemes
  • Multi-language user interface
  • Unlimited number of schemes supported, powerful syntax highlighting supporting both user-defined and built-in schemes
  • Text Clips provide smart templates for text insertion
  • Code Folding/Outlining
  • Docking windows for: File Browser, Open Files, Text Clips, Tool Output, Find in Files results
  • Regular expression search and replace (full perl syntax)
  • Excellent external tool support with user-configurable output matching – click on errors and warnings to jump right to the place in the file where they were generated
  • Split Views
  • Bookmarks (both numbered and plain)
  • Export to HTML (using CSS) and RTF
  • Code definition browsing and navigation (using Ctags)
  • Non fixed-width font support
  • Projects and Project Groups with multi-level folders and file system mirroring
  • Scripting with Python
  • Extensions support for developing add-ons with C++
  • Support for UTF8, 16 and various file encodings
  • Support for windows, unix and macintosh line endings
  • Tabbed MDI interface, with multi-level split views
  • Word-wrapping

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