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DEVONthink icon



DEVONthink is a solution to the digital age conundrum. It is your second brain, the one and only database for all your digital files, be they PDFs, emails, Word docs or even multimedia files.

DEVONthink screenshot 1

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  • Mac
  • iPhone
  • iPad
4.8 / 5 Avg rating (5)
0 news articles


Suggest and vote on features
  1.  File Tagging
  2.  Indexed search
  3.  File Organizer
  4.  Document structure management
  5.  PDF OCR
  6.  Scan documents
  7.  Document Annotations
  8.  File Search
  9.  DMS
  10.  Built-in viewer
  11.  Reminders
  12.  Works Offline
  13.  Full-Text Search
  14.  Support for MarkDown
  15.  Split PDF files
  16.  Recurring Tasks
  17.  OCR
  18.  Support for scripting
  19.  Web Clipper
  20.  PDF annotation
  21.  WYSIWYG Support
  22.  Live Preview
  23.  Cloud Sync
  24.  Annotate Screenshot
  25.  Combine PDF
  26.  Ad-free
  27.  Dark Mode
  28.  Integrated Search
  29.  Built-in RSS reader

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DEVONthink information

  • Developed by

    DEVONtechnologies, LLC
  • Licensing

    Proprietary and Commercial product.
  • Pricing

    One time purchase (perpetual license) that costs $0.
  • Rating

    Average rating of 4.8
  • Alternatives

    152 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English
    • French
    • German

AlternativeTo Categories

Office & ProductivityFile ManagementEducation & Reference

Apple AppStore

  •   Updated Dec 10, 2024
  •   4.76 avg rating
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Our users have written 8 comments and reviews about DEVONthink, and it has gotten 129 likes

DEVONthink was added to AlternativeTo by cloots on Aug 20, 2009 and this page was last updated Oct 3, 2022. DEVONthink is sometimes referred to as DEVONthink To Go.

Comments and Reviews

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Top positive commentSep 16, 2023

LOVE it since years !

Hemang Tanna
Positive commentMay 27, 2018

For me the best personal Knowledge Management app.

CommentApr 27, 2018

I agree with the posters saying that DEVONthink really shouldn't be categorized with note-taking applications, as it is more of a document management system. It seems to be for actually storing every type of document one might use for a project and making it easily searchable and retrievable. While it does share some aspects, it seems like a very different type of application.

Being that it is quite different than a note-taking application, I came here looking to find a Windows alternative to this robust program. I'm quite disappointed it is Mac-only, and I would appreciate if anyone knows of a true alternative to this type of program.

Thanks! :)

CommentApr 21, 2017

It's the most intelligent document management system.

Positive commentDec 31, 2013

Desperately looking for something that provides similar functionality of DevonTHINK but available for Windows OR on the "cloud"

CommentApr 1, 2011

It shows up as an alternative to Eaglefiler; that program is quite analogous to DevonThink. Better, IMHO.

CommentMar 4, 2011

I agree with paulhenrys, this is not a simple note taking application. Unsure if this is the cause, but since installing the Pro Office version my system now suffers from constant spinning beach ball syndrome. Nice organization and information management tool, but I suspect it is causing some tremendous system-wide slowdown.

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What is DEVONthink?

DEVONthink is designed to manage and keep in order all those disparate pieces of information so important to your work or studies. As you become more experienced with DEVONthink and its easy, intuitive interface you will quickly find more exciting ways of using your data.