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Experience automation without coding by connecting 7,000+ apps with Zapier. Create advanced workflows using natural language and drag-and-drop, harness AI for personalized tasks, and customize apps with data tables. Collaborate and scale with enterprise solutions.

Zapier screenshot 1

License model

  • FreemiumProprietary


  • Online
  • Software as a Service (SaaS)
4.3 / 5 Avg rating (9)
0 news articles


Suggest and vote on features
  1.  Service Integration
  2.  Task Automation
  3.  Workflow Automation
  4.  3rd-party filters
  5.  Triggers
  6.  Email parsing
  7.  Testing Capabilities
  8.  IPaaS

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Zapier information

  • Developed by

    Zapier Inc.
  • Licensing

    Proprietary and Freemium product.
  • Pricing

    Subscription ranging between $20 and $5795 per month + free version with limited functionality.
  • Rating

    Average rating of 4.3
  • Alternatives

    144 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

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Our users have written 9 comments and reviews about Zapier, and it has gotten 205 likes

Zapier was added to AlternativeTo by edwardchanjw on Jun 19, 2012 and this page was last updated Nov 28, 2024.

Comments and Reviews

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Bruno Finger
Top positive commentMar 13, 2019

Developing a Zapier integration is relatively simple, with a well-documented API, and publishing it on Zapier is free.

Positive commentAug 11, 2024

A bit expensive but great to automate everything. The new AI tool to turn dates into the right format was really good.

ReviewMay 31, 2020

The most powerful of all i'd tested yet. But the most expensive too

Sometime you have to make in 5 steps things than should be done in 1 to bypass some missing basic features(you can't do this with the freemium offer) and you need premium too if you want to use outgoing webhooks (to send message to your tiny unknown app).

Positive commentJan 14, 2020

It's soo powerful, totally unique product

Positive commentSep 19, 2017

Awesome platform to help me connect a bunch of apps!

Positive commentSep 12, 2017

Who doesn't love Zapier? Connects with everything and everything.

Positive commentJun 24, 2017

If you want to create any integration workflows Zapier is a right tool !

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7 of 9 comments

What is Zapier?

Turn chaos into smooth operations by automating workflows yourself—no developers, no IT tickets, no delays. The only limit is your imagination.

Build powerful workflows incredibly fast

Whether you're a team of one or a thousand, Zapier puts the power of automation in your hands—no coding required. Take your workflows to the next level with our suite of automation tools.

  • Connect: Start an automation by connecting two apps — a trigger and an action. Zapier integrates instantly with over 7,000 different apps.
  • Automate: Build complete workflows exactly how you want — with natural language, drag and drop, or with code.
  • Power with AI: Make any Zap smarter by connecting your favorite AI and having it personalize emails, analyze data, or summarize content, so computers can do more work for you.
  • Customize: Turn workflows into complete apps with data tables and branded interfaces purpose-built for automation.
  • Visualize: Collaborate on entire business processes in an interactive whiteboard that's connected to your workflows.
  • Scale: Let your IT team set guardrails, observe activity, and empower teams to automate with Zapier Enterprise.

Meet our Automation Products

  • Zaps: Automate advanced workflows with the full building power of Zapier.
  • Interfaces: Build professional apps, forms, and web pages that easily connect to your Zaps and Tables.
  • Tables: Get more storage and control of the data that powers your automated workflows.

Get started right now with our library of templates. No need to start from scratch. Get a head start on building your perfect workflow and experience the magic of automation in minutes.

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