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Windows Media Player icon

Windows Media Player


Windows Media Player is a video and audio player developed by Microsoft for Windows 11 and Windows 10. It is the successor to Groove Music (previously Xbox Music), Microsoft Movies & TV and the original Windows Media...

Windows Media Player screenshot 1

License model

  • FreeProprietary

Application types


  • Windows
2.8 / 5 Avg rating (11)
0 news articles


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  1.  Lightweight


  1.  Support for DLNA
  2.  Support for 4K
  3.  Bundled with Windows
  4.  Lossless Audio
  5.  Dark Mode
  6.  Ad-free
  7.  Works Offline
  8.  Music Library
  9.  Disc Burner
  10.  DVD Burner

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Windows Media Player information

  • Developed by

  • Licensing

    Proprietary and Free product.
  • Rating

    Average rating of 2.8 (11 ratings)
  • Alternatives

    212 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

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Audio & MusicCD/DVD ToolsVideo & MoviesOS & Utilities

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Our users have written 12 comments and reviews about Windows Media Player, and it has gotten 260 likes

Windows Media Player was added to AlternativeTo by Stuck on Sep 23, 2008 and this page was last updated Jan 7, 2024. Windows Media Player is sometimes referred to as WMP.

Comments and Reviews

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Comment summary: Comments on Windows Media Player highlight its versatility and reliability but criticize newer versions for high resource usage and lack of codec support. While praised for its complex features and intuitive interface, some users find it slow, unintuitive, and cumbersome. The need for additional codecs, such as the K-Lite Codec Pack, is a common issue. Visual appeal and easy playlist management are appreciated, but slow performance and outdated interface designs detract from user experience.
Top positive commentApr 6, 2018

Love the visualizations and the GUI and how easily you can select a bunch of files to add to playlist.

Ethan Benson
Top negative commentSep 12, 2019

it slows down very much ... I wait 25-30 seconds for it to open some song while aimp works 5 times faster

Negative commentJan 19, 2018

Lack of codec support (such as .mkv) and cause High Resource Usage

Positive commentDec 26, 2017

An extremely versatile and reliable media player. It is probably one of the most complex pieces of software that came out of Windows Vista and Windows 7: there are very few media players that can match WMP's complexity and features.

However, it is not favorable for those who prefer a minimalistic interface. Moreover, WMP only comes with a limited set of codecs: one would usually need to pair this up with K-Lite Codec Pack to make WMP any useful.

[Edited by 5247009, December 26]

Negative commentMay 20, 2015

It can't read like lots of codecs (.mkv above all)

Negative commentAug 21, 2013

Seems like its always forced on me and its annoying. The interface has been the same since i can remember. They need to make this simpler and redesign.

Negative commentDec 31, 2011

You wouldn't think, after all this time of making media players, microsoft would have trouble making one which indexed your library. You would also think that they would be able to give accurate information for song names when you update from the internet.

WMP 12 does neither of these. It's also slow & unintuitive. It also shows half my songs as zero bytes (if you don't chose all the options windows wants you to chose it doesn't really work properly).

Why can't I put the songs in title order and then start typing a track name to skip to it? because windows won't let me (that's a fairly specific person gripe).

I give it 3 out of 10.

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What is Windows Media Player?

Windows Media Player is a video and audio player developed by Microsoft for Windows 11 and Windows 10. It is the successor to Groove Music (previously Xbox Music), Microsoft Movies & TV and the original Windows Media Player