QtMoko Alternatives

QtMoko is described as 'Is debian distribution for Linux based SmartPhones, like Openmoko Freerunner and Goldelico's GTA04 phone. Phone and user interface is based on QT Extendeded formerly known as Qtopia' and is a operating system in the os & utilities category. There are more than 25 alternatives to QtMoko for a variety of platforms, including Linux, Self-Hosted, Android, Manjaro Linux and Linux Mobile apps. The best QtMoko alternative is Android, which is both free and Open Source. Other great apps like QtMoko are Manjaro Linux, Puppy Linux, Plasma Mobile and Solus.

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QtMoko alternatives are mainly Linux Distros but may also be Operating Systems or Mobile OSs.  Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of QtMoko.
QtMoko iconQtMoko
  • ...

QtMoko is debian distribution for Linux based SmartPhones, like Openmoko Freerunner and Goldelico's GTA04 phone. Phone and user interface is based on QT Extendeded formerly known as Qtopia..

More about QtMoko
QtMoko alternatives page was last updated Sep 9, 2022
  1. OxygenOS icon

    The new operating system from OnePlus, based on Android. OxygenOS is light and essential with subtle, useful features.

    43 OxygenOS alternatives
    Customizable lockscreen
    Quick Settings

    License model

    • FreeProprietary

    Application types


    • Android

    OxygenOS Features

    1.  Root required
    OxygenOS iconQtMoko Icon

    OxygenOS VS QtMoko

    Is OxygenOS a good alternative to QtMoko?
  2. Fairphone Open icon

    alternative, open source version of Fairphone OS, built by Fairphone, that puts transparency and ownership in the spotlight.

    43 Fairphone Open alternatives

    License model

    • FreeOpen Source

    Application types


    • Android

    Fairphone Open Features

    1.  Custom-ROM
    Fairphone Open iconQtMoko Icon

    Fairphone Open VS QtMoko

    Is Fairphone Open a good alternative to QtMoko?
  3. HarmonyOS icon

    HarmonyOS is a distributed, edge computing, AI operating system with powerful functionality, and it will first be used for smart devices like smart watches, smart screens, in-vehicle systems, and smart speakers.

    57 HarmonyOS alternatives
    HarmonyOS 5 user interface

    License model

    • FreeProprietary

    Application types


    • HUAWEI AppGallery


    1.  Lightweight
    2.  Privacy focused


    1.  Ad-free
    2.  Portable
    3.  Rolling Release
    4.  Dark Mode
    5.  No Tracking
    6.  No registration required
    7.  Works Offline
    8.  Command line interface
    9.  ARM Independent
    HarmonyOS iconQtMoko Icon

    HarmonyOS VS QtMoko

    Is HarmonyOS a good alternative to QtMoko?
  4. KaOS icon

    KaOS is a desktop Linux distribution that features the latest version of the KDE desktop environment, the Calligra office suite, and other popular software applications that use the Qt toolkit. It was inspired by Arch Linux, but the developers build their own packages which are...

    128 KaOS alternatives
    KaOS screenshot 1

    License model

    • FreeOpen Source

    Application type


    • Linux

    KaOS Features

    1.  Rolling Release
    2.  Linux-based
    KaOS iconQtMoko Icon

    KaOS VS QtMoko

    Is KaOS a good alternative to QtMoko?
  5. Oracle Solaris icon

    Oracle Solaris is the #1 enterprise OS, delivering breakthrough high-availability, security, efficiency, and industry-leading scalability/performance.

    156 Oracle Solaris alternatives
    Oracle Solaris screenshot 1

    License model

    Application type


    • Self-Hosted

    Oracle Solaris Features

    1.  Unix-like
    Oracle Solaris iconQtMoko Icon

    Oracle Solaris VS QtMoko

    Is Oracle Solaris a good alternative to QtMoko?
    • Oracle Solaris is the most popular Self-Hosted alternative to QtMoko.

    • Oracle Solaris is Paid and ProprietaryQtMoko is Free and Open Source
  6. Ubuntu Core icon

    Ubuntu Core, a minimalist rendition of Ubuntu , is a lightweight, transactionally updated operating system designed for deployments on embedded and IoT devices, cloud and more.

    145 Ubuntu Core alternatives

    License model

    • FreeOpen Source


    • Linux


    1.  Lightweight


    1.  Embeddable
    2.  Internet of Things
    3.  Based on Ubuntu
    Ubuntu Core iconQtMoko Icon

    Ubuntu Core VS QtMoko

    Is Ubuntu Core a good alternative to QtMoko?
  7. LuneOS icon

    LuneOS is an open source firmware distribution for smartphones and tablet computers based on the Open webOS mobile operating system.

    41 LuneOS alternatives
    LuneOS screenshot 1
    LuneOS screenshot 2
    LuneOS screenshot 3

    License model

    • FreeOpen Source

    Application types


    • Linux
    • Linux Mobile
    LuneOS iconQtMoko Icon

    LuneOS VS QtMoko

    Is LuneOS a good alternative to QtMoko?
  8. ArchBang icon

    ArchBang is a simple GNU/Linux rolling release distribution which provides you with a lightweight Arch Linux system combined with the Openbox Window Manager.

    170 ArchBang alternatives
    ArchBang screenshot 1

    License model

    • FreeOpen Source


    • Linux


    1.  Lightweight


    1.  Rolling Release
    2.  Out Of The Box
    3.  Based on Arch Linux
    ArchBang iconQtMoko Icon

    ArchBang VS QtMoko

    Is ArchBang a good alternative to QtMoko?
  9. Havoc-OS icon

    Havoc-OS is an after-market firmware based on Android Open Source Project, inspired by Google Pixel with a refined Material Design UI. We offer a smooth and stable experience for your device with a selected set of amazing features that provide an exceptional user experience.

    41 Havoc-OS alternatives
    Havoc-OS screenshot 1
    Havoc-OS screenshot 2
    Havoc-OS screenshot 3

    License model

    • FreeOpen Source

    Application type


    • Android

    Havoc-OS Features

    1.  Custom-ROM
    Havoc-OS iconQtMoko Icon

    Havoc-OS VS QtMoko

    Is Havoc-OS a good alternative to QtMoko?
  10. Astian OS icon

    Astian OS is an operating system that is based on the discontinued Firefox OS, development by Astian Foundation, thus allowing support for mobile devices, TV's, and other devices. Astian OS is completely free and open.

    41 Astian OS alternatives
    Astian OS screenshot 1

    License model

    • FreeOpen Source


    • Self-Hosted

    Astian OS Features

    1.  Linux-based
    Astian OS iconQtMoko Icon

    Astian OS VS QtMoko

    Is Astian OS a good alternative to QtMoko?
  11. GoboLinux icon

    GoboLinux is a modular Linux distribution: it organizes the programs in your system in a new, logical way.

    170 GoboLinux alternatives
    GoboLinux screenshot 1

    License model

    • FreeOpen Source


    • Linux
    GoboLinux iconQtMoko Icon

    GoboLinux VS QtMoko

    Is GoboLinux a good alternative to QtMoko?
  12. AmigaOS icon

    AmigaOS is the proprietary native operating system of the Amiga and AmigaOne personal computers, introduced with the launch of the first Amiga, the Amiga 1000, in 1985.

    173 AmigaOS alternatives
    AmigaOS screenshot 1

    License model

    Application type


    • AmigaOS
    AmigaOS iconQtMoko Icon

    AmigaOS VS QtMoko

    Is AmigaOS a good alternative to QtMoko?
You are at page 2 of QtMoko alternatives