Tizen is an open source mobile and device operating system based on Linux developed by Samsung and Intel.
It can support programs written with Samsung’s Bada SDK as well as Android applications. The operating system supports a program called Application Compatibility Layer (ACL), which is similar to Research in Motion’s Android player for the BlackBerry PlayBook.
Tizen smartphone technologies include a flexible and powerful user interface, 3D window effects, advanced multimedia, location based service frameworks, sensor frameworks, and multi-tasking and multi-touch capabilities. In addition, support for scalable screen resolution means that the platform can deliver a consistent user experience across a broad range of handset types and form factors.
Tizen offers a touch-optimized user interface for tablets with a suite of built-in applications for Web browsing, personal information management, and media consumption.
Tizen will provide expanded features, improved performance, and a richer user experience for netbooks. Tizen is a light-weight, scalable, fast-booting, brand-able operating system, with advanced support for touch and connectivity.
In-Vehicle Infotainment
In-Vehicle infotainment systems are devices that deliver navigation, entertainment, and networked computing services in vehicles, such as cars, trucks, planes, and buses. The Tizen In-Vehicle infotainment software platform is designed to enable rich internet and multimedia consumer experiences for vehicles.
Smart TV
Tizen for Smart TV delivers a complete, open standards-based Linux stack, optimized for living room devices, such as Blu-ray players, set top boxes, and digital TVs. It is designed for an Internet-connected TV experience, allowing users to enjoy access to multiple applications, services, and personal media, all while watching TV.