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Mark Text


Open-source Markdown editor on Mac, Windows, and Linux offering real-time preview, clean interface, and various themes. Supports math expressions, exports HTML/PDF, allows image pasting, and more.

GitHub Flavored Markdown

License model

  • FreeOpen Source


  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Linux

MarkText is no longer maintained since July 2022. Last version, 0.17.1, released in March 2022, can be still downloaded from GitHub. A fork a being developed here:

4.1 / 5 Avg rating (24)
0 news articles


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  1.  Distraction-free
  2.  Clean design


  1.  Support for MarkDown
  2.  WYSIWYG Support
  3.  Real-time inline preview
  4.  Dark Mode
  5.  Live Preview
  6.  Write files in markdown
  7.  Distraction-free Writing
  8.  Text editing
  9.  Tabbed interface
  10.  Nested Folders
  11.  Works Offline
  12.  MIT License
  13.  Electron based
  14.  Command palette
  15.  Integrated Search
  16.  Built-in themes
  17.  No registration required
  18.  Export to HTML
  19.  Internal linking
  20.  Syntax Highlighting
  21.  X86/x64 Compatibility

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Mark Text information

  • Licensing

    Open Source (MIT) and Free product.
  • Written in

  • Rating

    Average rating of 4.1 (24 ratings)
  • Alternatives

    101 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

AlternativeTo Categories

Office & ProductivitySystem & Hardware

GitHub repository

  •  48,235 Stars
  •  3,556 Forks
  •  1233 Open Issues
  •   Updated Aug 18, 2024 
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Our users have written 20 comments and reviews about Mark Text, and it has gotten 115 likes

Mark Text was added to AlternativeTo by Paul on Mar 15, 2018 and this page was last updated Dec 27, 2024.

Comments and Reviews

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Comment summary: Mark Text is praised for its simplicity, clean interface, and open-source nature. Users highlight its WYSIWYG markdown edit mode, syntax highlighting, and multi-platform support. However, concerns are raised about its reliance on Electron, potential privacy issues, data loss, and lack of updates, leading some to seek alternatives like Zettlr. Despite these flaws, it is still considered a viable, user-friendly markdown editor comparable to Typora but free.
John Fastman
Top positive commentApr 22, 2018

Markdown, with preview as you write. Similar to Typora, except it's open source (and therefore more likeable, trustworthy and deserving of support). It deserves a point for supporting Windows, Mac and Linux. Mark Text needs the ability to drag-and-drop non-image files from local storage (not to the cloud) and the ability to store that in a local folder the user can sync for him/herself; then Mark Text wil be an absolutely killer productivity app to rival Bear, Boostnote and their ilk.

One bit of weirdness: you can seemingly drag-and-drop image files to the owner's private domain ( Firstly, the files going to don't seem to be encrypted, and therefore the owner can see those files. That's not good for the user's privacy and it's a million miles away from safe.

1 reply

The image uploader now offers 2 options: (no login) or you can authenticate with GitHub.

The gh option was good once I figured it out. usually for configuration dialogues like this there will either be instructions, or a link to instructions. Here a user just has to know what a "token" is and how to set one up. Honestly 6 months ago I wouldn't have been able to do that. But since it's not 6 months ago, it works fine. :) No control of where the images get added, filenames, etc so would probably want to create a dedicated repo.

Also, I made my repo private so the files won't be generally available on the web for anyone who happens to click on it, but I have no idea what security/privacy is available here. Presumably this isn't somewhere to put a bunch of very sensitive documents.

Reply written Jan 4, 2020

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Top negative commentApr 22, 2020

Heavy, heavy, bloated electron app. Guys, you're not convincing me that electron is a viable platform with apps like this one.

Other than that — it's an interesting mix of WYSIWYG and still having the tags visible in the text. Not quite as pretty as the preview pane of, for example, ReText, but not too bad.

I wanted to like it (cross-platform is a nice goal) but ultimately it wasted too much of my time just trying to view a document that it will be leaving my machine shortly.

ReviewFeb 19, 2024

It works, but sorry not so much good. There's a problem with automatical removing of empty lines ( And it's really hard for me to read wall of text without any space between paragraphs ( So MarkText cannot be my favourite markdown-redactor. But anyway, it works and open source

Sam Lander
Negative commentJul 26, 2023

It does not have a folder tree system implemented well like in other apps such as Zim Wiki and Obsidian.

It's electron like Obsidian, but has less features and loads text files with lots of words much slower.

It looks nicer than most other markdown editors though.

ReviewFeb 5, 2023

It nearly covers all features of Typora, while it's free and open source. Thanks a million to the contributors. However, I often meet data loss with unknown reasons when inputting, cutting, saving, and triggering Source Code Mode, which is quite annoying. So I'm currently using Zettlr as an alternative.

Positive commentDec 31, 2022

Pretty nice MarkDown editor. Tha main problem for me is the absence of word wrap in code blocks and the fact that it's rather discontinued project now (see

Positive comment
Pending approval

It's minimal and lets you do the things you need to do without distiracting you. If you don't want to mess with fancy and complicated writing features but want to have some of those features in a more basic way, it lets you have these features.

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What is Mark Text?

MarkText is an MIT licensed open source project, and the latest version will always be downloadable for free from the GitHub release page. MarkText is still in development, and its development is inseparable from all sponsors.


  • Realtime preview (WYSIWYG) and a clean and simple interface to get a distraction-free writing experience.
  • Support CommonMark Spec, GitHub Flavored Markdown Spec and selective support Pandoc markdown.
  • Markdown extensions such as math expressions (KaTeX), front matter and emojis.
  • Support paragraphs and inline style shortcuts to improve your writing efficiency.
  • Output HTML and PDF files.
  • Various themes: Cadmium Light, Material Dark etc.
  • Various editing modes: Source Code mode, Typewriter mode, Focus mode.
  • Paste images directly from clipboard.

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