Luminotes Alternatives
Luminotes is described as 'Was a WYSIWYG personal wiki notebook for organizing notes and ideas. It was designed for note taking and note keeping without the hassle of learning special markup codes' and is a Note-taking tool in the office & productivity category. There are more than 10 alternatives to Luminotes for a variety of platforms, including Windows, Mac, Linux, BSD and Web-based apps. The best Luminotes alternative is Zim, which is both free and Open Source. Other great apps like Luminotes are CherryTree, TiddlyWiki, wikidPad and Memento.
filter to find the best alternatives
Luminotes alternatives are mainly Note-taking Tools but may also be Todo List Managers or Task Management Tools. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Luminotes.- Note-taking Tool
- Free • Open Source
- 5 likes202 NotesHolder alternatives
NotesHolder lets you quickly type in any piece of information so that you can easily find it when you need, read it or print it out for your convenience. This is the most effective way to store all your notes without cluttering up your desk with post it notes / sticky notes.
DiscontinuedThe official website is no longer available. Last free version, 2.3 build 148, released on May 18, 2010, can be still downloaded from Wayback Machine
NotesHolder VS Luminotes
Is NotesHolder a good alternative to Luminotes? - 7 likes54 Upvise alternatives
Upvise is an awesome suite of organization tools that sync seamlessly to almost any phone! Free 100MB online storage for notes. Project management, team management, budgets, shopping, tasks, finances, there is so much this site can do!
License model
- Freemium • Proprietary
Application type
- Online
- Windows Mobile
- Android
- iPhone
- Blackberry
- Windows Phone
- iPad
Upvise Features
Upvise VS Luminotes
Is Upvise a good alternative to Luminotes? - 5 likes56 ZuluPad alternatives
ZuluPad is a notepad on crack. Its a place to jot down class notes, appointments, to-do lists, favorite websites, annotated bookmarks, pretty much anything...
DiscontinuedURL has vanished
ZuluPad VS Luminotes
Is ZuluPad a good alternative to Luminotes? - 1 like192 Catzwares Simple Notes alternatives
Have you ever needed to remember something real important but had no way to? Catzware introduces Simple Notes, a program which allows you to make up to five notes and keep them open on your desktop all at the same time so you never forget anything again!
License model
- Free • Proprietary
Application type
- Windows
Catzwares Simple Notes Features
Catzwares Simple Notes VS Luminotes
Is this a good alternative to Luminotes? - 1 like10 Book on a Stick alternatives
Write a book in one self-contained file that runs entirely in your browser and can be kept on portable media you carry in your pocket!
DiscontinuedAs the author states: " I’ve decided to stop working on Book on a Stick"
Book on a Stick VS Luminotes
Is Book on a Stick a good alternative to Luminotes? - Like this app192 Delphinus Notes alternatives
Delphinus Notes is a freeware program designed to keep and manage notes. It contains simple notepad, calendar (with week schedule) and expenditure management module. All data can be encrypted and program can be protected by the password.
License model
- Free • Proprietary
Application type
- Windows
Delphinus Notes Features
DiscontinuedThe official website is no longer available. Last version,, released in September 2012, can be still downloaded from
Delphinus Notes VS Luminotes
Is Delphinus Notes a good alternative to Luminotes?