FireAlpaca is the image editor that can be used readily and easily. We made it possible to provide the completely free download, in order for our products to be experienced by more users from all over the world. It is available for both Mac and Windows users!
License model
- Free • Proprietary
Application types
- Mac
- Windows
FireAlpaca News & Activities
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Recent activities
- crse added FireAlpaca as alternative to Pastela
- kreska_art added FireAlpaca as alternative to KRESKA.art
- leonardosv added FireAlpaca as alternative to Paint Play
- trertre added FireAlpaca as alternative to Paint a File
- Lawrence-Parsons liked FireAlpaca
- crse added FireAlpaca as alternative to Vara
- geteasysoftware added FireAlpaca as alternative to Get Easy Software
Comments and Reviews
The program is similar to that of Paint Tool Sai, but better. The program offers more layer effects (Multiply, Burn, Doge, Luminosity, etc.), and the programs provides a smooth texture. It doesn't have the option to change the brush or canvas texture, but I never used that option in PST in the first place, not to mention it's free. I was appalled at the fact that such a high quality program does not need to be purchased. I recommend this for all!
You're totally right!!! I adore PTS, and FireAlpaca is like an updated version of it. My first impression of FA was that it is very similar to PTS as well, and I felt very comfortable editing and customizing new brushes. I find the feature of making folders for the brushes a very nice touch. The rotating picture is quite nice and smooth as well. I like how there is a Gradient and Text tool, something that PTS doesn't have. When making a new illustration, there is an option where you can select to have a manga page. I find this very appealing to any mangakas who wants to make comics. I haven't used it yet because I recently downloaded it but will try it out later. The only problem that I have is I wish there was an "erasing the entire page" tool on a layer like PTS has, but it's no big deal. I can always erase and make a new one.
Overall, I also recommend this for everybody! <3
Reply written May 21, 2016
As far as free drawing software goes, FireAlpaca is user-friendly, as in it has a vv basic tools and functionalities. It offers layer effects like what you would see in Photoshop but unlike the latter, albeit it does have some cool brushes installed, you can't fully customize the brush or canvas texture here. If you're thinking of installing this for animating or something close to that, it can feel a tad time consuming since you can't really animate here. Instead, you'd have to export your individual frames and import it to any editing software you have to animate it. But strangely enough, it does offer a preview button and you can make simple gif animation on their official site. If you're into using this program for graphic design like making infographics or posters, you can utilize the tools i guess? but fair warning that the tools/interface can be VERY restricting. Would not recommend this as an alternative software but I would recommend this to new artists who's still learning how to use digital art softwares.
After trying everything on the market to date (2023), in my opinion FireAlpaca combines the best features of every tradigital inking and painting software on the planet. What beaths them all is the simple fact that FA is a FREEWARE and offers endless customizations and brushes, as well as accepts requests for video tutorials and suggestions for upgrades. The only limitation of this program is your creativity. I'm sold, thank you, Japan!
As a lot of comments say, FireAlpaca is very similar to PaintTool SAI in the interface. With a a huge difference : the brush engine is poor and the blender is a joke. SAI has a beautiful blender engine and FireAlpaca just cannot compete with that. FireAlpaca has some nice options (it manages CYMK) but, to be honest, I think there is no reason to prefer it to the other softwares. You may try it if you need some free light tool that manages basic artist features. Conclusion: don’t believe people saying that FireAlpaca is a good alternative to SAI. It is not.
it's so good
Firealpaca is a great software that you can use to animate, draw, and edit images! I love it so much and it really helps with all my hobbies!
I love it because you could make animations and gifs on there! ❤️❤️❤️