Express Zip Alternatives
Express Zip is described as 'Is one of the most stable, easy-to-use and comprehensive file archive and compression tools available. Create, manage and extract zipped files and folders. Reduce file space needed by zipping big files before sending them' and is a File Archiver in the file management category. There are more than 50 alternatives to Express Zip for a variety of platforms, including Windows, Mac, Linux, Android and BSD apps. The best Express Zip alternative is 7-Zip, which is both free and Open Source. Other great apps like Express Zip are PeaZip, WinRAR, NanaZip and Bandizip.
filter to find the best alternatives
Express Zip alternatives are mainly File Archivers but may also be File Compressors or ISO Mounting Tools. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Express Zip.- File Archiver
- Freemium • Proprietary
- 2 likes74 GUI Tar alternatives
During the command-line era of computing, archiving files involved cryptic commands such as tar -xvf somefile.tar. However, since those days, the masses have come to use computers, and they expect an easy to use system with graphical elements and interaction.
DiscontinuedThe project is no longer maintained since 2013. Last version, 1.2.4, is still downloadable together with its source from GitHub
GUI Tar VS Express Zip
Is GUI Tar a good alternative to Express Zip? - 3 likes84 8 Zip alternatives
Out with the old, in with the new. The powerful archiver 8 Zip has expanded its set of capabilities with the new Continuum and Windows Hello technologies.
License model
- Freemium • Proprietary
Application type
- Windows
- Windows Phone
8 Zip Features
DiscontinuedThe last update is from December 2017.
8 Zip VS Express Zip
Is 8 Zip a good alternative to Express Zip? - Discontinued
Last commit and version is from April 2023
ToGoZip VS Express Zip
Is ToGoZip a good alternative to Express Zip? - 1 like81 Noah alternatives
Noah is an archiver powered by Common Archivers Library DLLs. If you run Noah in non-Japanese environment, you will get English Interface.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application types
- Windows
Noah Features
DiscontinuedThe authors suspended the development. There are no updates since 2010/11/25 .
Noah VS Express Zip
Is Noah a good alternative to Express Zip? - 1 like95 AZip alternatives
AZip is a free Zip Archive Manager with unique features such as: built-in content Search, smart archive Update, archive Recompression.
AZip VS Express Zip
Is AZip a good alternative to Express Zip? - 11 likes83 UnRarX alternatives
If the command line is not your thing - heres a GUI front-end for unrar. Drag-and-Drop extraction. Built-in par2 recovery. Written by Peter Noriega.
UnRarX VS Express Zip
Is UnRarX a good alternative to Express Zip? - 19 likes81 TUGZip alternatives
TUGZip is a powerful freeware archiving utility for Windows that provides support for a wide range of compressed, encoded and disc-image files, as well as very powerful features; all through an easy to use application interface and Windows Explorer integration.
DiscontinuedDevelopment is discontinued. Last version,, released on April 2nd 2008, can be still downloaded from the official website.
TUGZip VS Express Zip
Is TUGZip a good alternative to Express Zip? - 11 likes82 ALZip alternatives
ALZip is a file compression program that can unzip 40 different zip file archives. ALZip can zip files into 8 different archives such as ZIP, EGG, TAR and others. In ALZip version 8, ALZip’s own EGG format, that Unicode and other powerful function supported, can be used.
License model
- Free Personal • Proprietary
Application types
- Windows
ALZip Features
ALZip VS Express Zip
Is ALZip a good alternative to Express Zip? - 10 likes76 Hamster ZIP Archiver alternatives
Hamster ZIP Archiver is a powerful and modern archival program that allows users to easily compress and open files from any archive.
License model
- Free • Proprietary
Application types
- Windows
Hamster ZIP Archiver Features
WarningWhen uninstalling the program run a Trojan.Win32/Occamy.C. See also
Hamster ZIP Archiver VS Express Zip
Is Hamster ZIP Archiver a good alternative to Express Zip? - 6 likes67 WinAce alternatives
WinAce is not just another archiving shell. With it's own powerful compression format ACE and built-in support for other popular compression types like ZIP, RAR and MS-CAB (to name a few), WinAce could actually become the only archiver you need.
DiscontinuedThe official website is no longer available. Last version, 2.69, released in November 2007, can be still downloaded from FileHippo
WinAce VS Express Zip
Is WinAce a good alternative to Express Zip? - 8 likes52 ZipGenius alternatives
ZipGenius: the free and powerful archive manager for Windows.
Running out of hard disk space? Documents spread over you entire system? Did you get a .zip or .rar file and you dont know what to do?
There is only one answer: ZipGenius!
ZipGenius can handle more than 20 compresse.
ZipGenius VS Express Zip
Is ZipGenius a good alternative to Express Zip? - 5 likes79 7zX alternatives
7zX is a file archiver with high compression ratio. Compression ratio results are very dependent upon the data used for the tests.
DiscontinuedThe official website is no longer available. Last version, 1.7.1, released in March 2008, can be still downloaded from MacUpdate.
7zX VS Express Zip
Is 7zX a good alternative to Express Zip?