DeskPad icon
DeskPad icon



Certain workflows require sharing the entire screen (usually due to switching through multiple applications), but if the presenter has a much larger display than the audience it can be hard to see what is happening.

DeskPad screenshot 1

License model

  • FreeOpen Source

Application type


  • Mac
  • Homebrew
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  1.  Lightweight
  2.  No Tracking
  3.  Privacy focused
  4.  No registration required
  5.  Ad-free


  1.  Support for Multiple Monitors
  2.  Screen Sharing
  3.  Desktop Sharing
  4.  Screen Mirroring
  5.  Window Resizing

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OS & UtilitiesSystem & HardwareRemote Work & Education

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  •  5,487 Stars
  •  94 Forks
  •  21 Open Issues
  •   Updated Oct 4, 2024 
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Our users have written 1 comments and reviews about DeskPad, and it has gotten 2 likes

DeskPad was added to AlternativeTo by Paul on Oct 11, 2024 and this page was last updated Oct 11, 2024.

Comments and Reviews

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lau hub
CommentNov 21, 2024

When you need a secondary monitor for your remote calls and you don't have one... this app is perfect since it behaves like a real screen.


What is DeskPad?

Certain workflows require sharing the entire screen (usually due to switching through multiple applications), but if the presenter has a much larger display than the audience it can be hard to see what is happening.

DeskPad creates a virtual display that is mirrored within its application window so that you can create a dedicated, easily shareable workspace.

DeskPad behaves like any other display. Launching the app is equivalent to plugging in a monitor, so macOS will take care of properly arranging your windows to their previous configuration.

You can change the display resolution through the system preferences and the application window will adjust accordingly.

Whenever you move your mouse cursor to the virtual display, DeskPad will highlight its title bar in blue and move the application window to the front to let you know where you are.

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