Chrome PDF Viewer Plug-in icon
Chrome PDF Viewer Plug-in icon

Chrome PDF Viewer Plug-in


In version 8, Google Chrome introduced a free PDF viewer, installed by default. While this plug-in lacks many features of the Adobe Acrobat Plug-in, it is much faster and lighter, and updates with the browser rather than an external utility.

Chrome PDF Viewer Plug-in screenshot 1

License model

  • FreeProprietary

Application type


  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • Google Chrome  Google Chrome built-in.
3 / 5 Avg rating (1)
0 news articles


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  1.  Convert PDF to Word document

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Chrome PDF Viewer Plug-in information

  • Developed by

  • Licensing

    Proprietary and Free product.
  • Alternatives

    70 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

Our users have written 2 comments and reviews about Chrome PDF Viewer Plug-in, and it has gotten 58 likes

Chrome PDF Viewer Plug-in was added to AlternativeTo by conorwsullivan on Feb 7, 2011 and this page was last updated Aug 30, 2017.

Comments and Reviews

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Shanna Wade
CommentAug 22, 2019

It's a good idea for Goodle Chrome users. But it's only plug-in. I want to use full application, with all the functionality.

ReviewMay 16, 2016

While I have no gripes about the majority of features, I cannot stand the black bar, and the buttons at the right of the screen that keep appearing at the top whenever my cursor dares venture towards those areas. Whenever they appear I lose the top lines of the text and I have to wait for them to disappear again or move the text down. Is there any way this "feature" can be disabled or just appear on the right, where they are less likely to get in the way?


What is Chrome PDF Viewer Plug-in?

In version 8, Google Chrome introduced a free PDF viewer, installed by default. While this plug-in lacks many features of the Adobe Acrobat Plug-in, it is much faster and lighter, and updates with the browser rather than an external utility.