Android Torrent Client AlternativesTorrent Clients and other similar apps like Android Torrent Client
Android Torrent Client is described as 'Open Source. GPLv3' and is a Torrent Client in the file sharing category. There are more than 10 alternatives to Android Torrent Client for a variety of platforms, including Windows, Linux, Mac, Android and Android Tablet apps. The best Android Torrent Client alternative is qBittorrent, which is both free and Open Source. Other great apps like Android Torrent Client are Transmission, µTorrent, LibreTorrent and PikaTorrent.
filter to find the best alternatives
Android Torrent Client alternatives are mainly Torrent Clients but may also be Download Managers or Torrent Search Engines. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Android Torrent Client.- Torrent Client
- Free • Open Source
- 1669 likes74 qBittorrent alternatives
Comprehensive torrent client offering open-source and ad-free features, including a built-in search engine, support for multiple OS, magnet link compatibility, lightweight performance, torrent creation tools, IP filtering, Web UI for remote access, and extensive plugin enhancements.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application types
- Mac
- Windows
- Linux
- AppImageHub
- Snapcraft
- Flathub
- Haiku
qBittorrent VS Android Torrent Client
Is qBittorrent a good alternative to Android Torrent Client? - 1540 likes74 Transmission alternatives
Transmission has the features you expect in a BitTorrent client: encryption, a web-based interface, peer exchange, UPnP and NAT-PMP port forwarding, web seed support, watch directories, tracker editing, global and per-torrent speed limits, and more.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application types
- Mac
- Windows
- Linux
- Flathub
- Haiku
- Cloudron
- Xfce
Transmission VS Android Torrent Client
Is Transmission a good alternative to Android Torrent Client? - 2679 likes67 µTorrent alternatives
Torrent client for extensive desktop downloads, featuring concurrent torrent downloads, RSS feed support, scheduling, bandwidth management, and remote connectivity.
License model
- Freemium • Proprietary
Application types
- Mac
- Windows
- Linux
- Online
- Android
- Android Tablet
- Wine
BundlewareKnown to bundle ads and has included a bitcoin miner.
DiscontinuedThe latest version is from November 2022.
µTorrent VS Android Torrent Client
Is µTorrent a good alternative to Android Torrent Client? - 79 likes34 LibreTorrent alternatives
LibreTorrent is a Free as in Freedom torrent client for Android 4 and later, based on libtorrent. Download and share files directly on your device.
LibreTorrent VS Android Torrent Client
Is LibreTorrent a good alternative to Android Torrent Client? - 13 likes56 PikaTorrent alternatives
A modern, simple, connected, and electric BitTorrent app. For mobile, desktop & server.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application types
- Windows
- Linux
- Android
- Online
PikaTorrent Features
PikaTorrent VS Android Torrent Client
Is PikaTorrent a good alternative to Android Torrent Client? - 135 likes86 BitTorrent alternatives
BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer program developed by Bram Cohen and BitTorrent, Inc. used for uploading and downloading files via the BitTorrent protocol. BitTorrent was the first client written for the protocol.
License model
- Freemium • Proprietary
Application type
- Mac
- Windows
- Online
- Android
- Android Tablet
BitTorrent Features
BundlewareLike uTorrent, installs other applications. See
BitTorrent VS Android Torrent Client
Is BitTorrent a good alternative to Android Torrent Client? - 6 likes55 qBittorrent Enhanced Edition alternatives
A fork of the qBittorrent bittorrent client with enhanced features.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application types
- Mac
- Windows
- Linux
qBittorrent Enhanced Edition VS Android Torrent Client
Is this a good alternative to Android Torrent Client? - 2 likes53 TrguiNG alternatives
TrguiNG is an alternative UI for controlling transmission torrent daemon running on the same machine or any other host that has exposed transmission rpc endpoint.
TrguiNG VS Android Torrent Client
Is TrguiNG a good alternative to Android Torrent Client? - 22 likes44 Flud alternatives
Flud is a simple and beautiful BitTorrent client for Android. The power of BitTorrent protocol is now in the palm of your hands. Share files with ease from your phone/tablet. Download files directly to your phone/tablet.
License model
- Free • Proprietary
Application type
- Android
- Android Tablet
Flud Features
Flud VS Android Torrent Client
Is Flud a good alternative to Android Torrent Client? - 3 likes40 Arctic Torrent alternatives
A minimal BitTorrent client. It wont have all the pretty features that other torrent apps have, but focuses on low memory and cpu usage. Because it was written in C++, you dont get the high memory requirements of Java or high CPU usage of Python.
DiscontinuedThe last version (1.2.3) is from 2005.
Arctic Torrent VS Android Torrent Client
Is Arctic Torrent a good alternative to Android Torrent Client? - 5 likes76 Distribyted alternatives
Distribyted tries to make easier integrations with other applications among torrent files, presenting them as a standard filesystem.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application types
- Windows
- Linux
Distribyted VS Android Torrent Client
Is Distribyted a good alternative to Android Torrent Client? License model
- Free • Open Source
Application types
- Mac
- Windows
- Linux
- I2P
I2P Snark VS Android Torrent Client
Is I2P Snark a good alternative to Android Torrent Client?