Software catalog & Installation system

ferfpList by ferfp, last updated 2019-10-16
  1. Chocolatey icon
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    Chocolatey NuGet is a Machine Package Manager, somewhat like apt-get, but built with Windows in mind. It is built on top of NuGet command line and the NuGet infrastructure.

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    Chocolatey screenshot 1
  2. Ketarin icon
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    Ketarin is a small application which automatically updates and optionally installs setup packages by monitoring web pages for changes. As opposed to other tools, Ketarin is not meant to keep your system up-to-date (like a package manager), but rather to maintain a compilation of...

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    Main window
  3. Npackd icon
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    Npackd (pronounced "unpacked") is an application store/package manager/marketplace for applications for Windows. It helps you to find and install software, keep your system up-to-date and uninstall it if no longer necessary.

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    Npackd screenshot 1
  4. Zero Install icon
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    Zero Install is a decentralised cross-distribution software installation system. Other features include full support for shared libraries, sharing between users, and integration with native platform package managers.

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    Zero Install screenshot 1
  5. scoop icon
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    A command-line installer for Windows.

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    scoop screenshot 1
  6. RuckZuck icon
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    RuckZuck is a free Software Package Manager for Windows, designed to keep the Software on your System(s) up to date even if the Software was not installed with RuckZuck.

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    RuckZuck screenshot 1
  7. AppGet icon
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    AppGet is a Github moderated, open source package manager which focuses on security, automation and ease-of-use.

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  8. OneGet icon
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    OneGet is a unified interface to package management systems and aims to make Software Discovery, Installation and Inventory (SDII) work via a common set of cmdlets (and eventually a set of APIs). Regardless of the installation technology underneath, users can use these common...

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  9. Just Install icon
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    just-install - The stupid package installer for Windows.

    Chocolatey , Ninite , Npackd are way too slow, bloated and difficult to extend. I needed a no-frills solution to inst.

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    Just Install screenshot 1
  10. WAPT Community icon
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    WAPT is a package manager for Windows which provides installation, removal and upgrades of software in managed environment. Software can be deployed through a central management console. WAPT was modeled on GNU/Linux Debian APT, hence its name.

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    WAPT Community screenshot 1

This list was created by ferfp Jun 30, 2018 and was last updated Oct 16, 2019. The list has 10 apps.

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Sam Lander
CommentAug 26, 2024

An utter shame. The USA is the last country in the world that actually has free speech.

3 replies

Is this meant as a joke? The US doesn't even have proper data protection laws and regularly shuts down access to websites even if fully legal. For example they blocked access to an Iranian news site before. The US isnt even in the top 50 of the World Press Freedom Index.

Reply written Aug 28, 2024

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Sam Lander

Yes, there is a limit to free speech in America, for example, terrorist activities (like the Iranian sites) or child pornography.

But the USA is really the only country where you are constitutionally guaranteed to not be arrested for criticizing the government or saying whatever those in power deem to be hate speech.

Reply written Aug 28, 2024

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So long as you manage to not get randomly shot.

Reply written Sep 9, 2024

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CommentAug 25, 2024

The accusation is that it promotes ‘illegal activities’, but it is an excuse. In Spain a few months ago the three big media (Atresmedia, Mediaset and Movistar) took Telegram to court for promoting ‘copyrighted content’ from their TV channels and they are trying to ban Telegram in Spain, it was even announced in the news that it would be banned temporarily, people start using vpns and proxies and finally then judge Pedraz said it was an ‘abusive decision’.

Now these globalist people directly arrest the CEO of one of the few big companies that has only one CEO with 100% of the shares and permits free speech. Then we say we live in a democratic world.

2 replies

There's no such thing as "a democratic world," it's nonsense. I suggest you actually go read what democracy is before posting such idiotic nonsense. There are democratic countries, and the fact that their systems don't allow scott-free crime or hate speech doesn't make them less democratic. What's undemocratic is for a government to stay in power for 20+ years, kill or imprison its critics and political opponents and censor all mass media they can reach (say hi to Russia).

Reply written Aug 26, 2024

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Do you read the text, I know that there is no "democracy". It is called sarcasm...

Reply written Aug 26, 2024

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CommentAug 25, 2024

Centralized platforms will always be vulnerable to governments. They simply cannot act independently - either they submit or something will happen to them

CommentAug 25, 2024

Telegram isn't helpful in piracy etc anyways, most groups get banned so neither totally lawful neither totally good stuck in between somewhere.
