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Ketarin is a small application which automatically updates and optionally installs setup packages by monitoring web pages for changes. As opposed to other tools, Ketarin is not meant to keep your system up-to-date (like a package manager), but rather to maintain a compilation of...

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  • FreeOpen Source

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  • Windows
4.4 / 5 Avg rating (7)
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  1.  Ad-free
  2.  Website Monitoring

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  • LordNecron reviewed Ketarin  
    about 2 months ago

    This unique tool is geared less to keeping your installed apps up to date and more to computer techs to have the latest tools available at all times. Program installers, standalone malware scanners, definition files for AV and Malware tools, etc.

    Depending on what you want can GREATLY increase the difficulty. If you just want things available from FileHippo or that someone else has scripted, easy. If you want something else be ready to use RegEx...

  • Guest added Ad-free as a feature to Ketarin
    9 months ago
  • TBayAreaPat reviewed Ketarin  
    9 months ago

    Realize that you have to populate/add the programs that you want monitored . No automatic scanning of your computer like Patch-my-PC. That could be quite tedious. Perhaps there is a way to import a list from another update program.. it does have an import/export feature.

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    Danilo_Venom added Ketarin as alternative to IObit Software Updater
    10 months ago
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Ketarin information

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Network & AdminOS & Utilities

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  •  138 Stars
  •  18 Forks
  •  8 Open Issues
  •   Updated Jul 15, 2023 
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Our users have written 8 comments and reviews about Ketarin, and it has gotten 72 likes

Ketarin was added to AlternativeTo by opritche on Apr 20, 2009 and this page was last updated Sep 1, 2022.

Comments and Reviews

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Top positive commentFeb 24, 2018

I haven't really found anything that replaces Ketarin. Great for techs that try to keep their software tools updated so that if they do an on-site call at a place with slow or no internet, they still have up-to-date tools. The only caveat is that it is not easy to use with most sites OTHER THAN Filehippo. If it worked with, say, the download section that would be great.

Every once in a while it stops working with Filehippo and we have to wait until the author gets around to updating it. This last time it took a while, and after it was updated I had to update some of my Filehippo IDs with new(?) URLs.

Positive commentDec 26, 2024

This unique tool is geared less to keeping your installed apps up to date and more to computer techs to have the latest tools available at all times. Program installers, standalone malware scanners, definition files for AV and Malware tools, etc.

Depending on what you want can GREATLY increase the difficulty. If you just want things available from FileHippo or that someone else has scripted, easy. If you want something else be ready to use RegEx

I haven't really found anything else like it.

ReviewMay 25, 2024

Realize that you have to populate/add the programs that you want monitored . No automatic scanning of your computer like Patch-my-PC. That could be quite tedious. Perhaps there is a way to import a list from another update program.. it does have an import/export feature.

Jeff Witty
Positive commentOct 15, 2020

Ketarin is so good:

  • That it is the only update manager, other than ninite's simple web one, I trust for my releases

  • That you can trust it to NOT infect your users

  • That file Hippo doesnt slap them with a defamation suit, if fact Ketarin makes them MORE popular

  • Thats its under 4.5mb: You can include in in your projects, with the authors express permission

  • That it has an Italian How Too guide on, here and MEGALAB is huge in Italy

[Edited by aazard, October 15]

Positive commentOct 5, 2018

automatic updates and optional install setup packages by monitoring web pages. I like it!

Positive commentJan 22, 2018

Amazingly simple and useful, other ones I have tried are full of bloat. Ketarin does what it says on the box perfectly

Positive commentJan 22, 2018

I have been waiting for something like this for a long time, i used ninite for a while but didn't really like it. Ketarin does what it says perfectly.

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What is Ketarin?

Ketarin is a small application which automatically updates and optionally installs setup packages by monitoring web pages for changes. As opposed to other tools, Ketarin is not meant to keep your system up-to-date (like a package manager), but rather to maintain a compilation of all important setup packages which can then be burned to disc or put on a USB stick.

-- How does it work? Basically, it monitors the content of web pages for changes and downloads files to a specified location. There is a tutorial explaining it all. Currently, you can either rely on a service based on FileHippo, or you can define your own rules, even using regular expressions (for advanced users). A similar application, for monitoring web pages, is "Webmon" and has sometimes served as guide.

-- Note Supports regex expansion.


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