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Wallpaper Engine icon

Wallpaper Engine


Use stunning live wallpapers on your Windows desktop. Animate your own images to create new wallpapers or import videos and websites and share them with others!.

Wallpaper Engine screenshot 1

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  • Windows
  • Android
  • Steam
5 / 5 Avg rating (12)
0 news articles


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  1.  Configurable


  1.  Live Wallpapers
  2.  Video Wallpaper
  3.  Visualize Music
  4.  User contributed content
  5.  Built-in editor
  6.  Steam Workshop
  7.  Wallpaper Cycling
  8.  Ad-free

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Wallpaper Engine information

  • Developed by

    Wallpaper Engine Team
  • Licensing

    Proprietary and Commercial product.
  • Pricing

    One time purchase (perpetual license) that costs $4.
  • Rating

    Average rating of 5 (12 ratings)
  • Alternatives

    41 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

Our users have written 10 comments and reviews about Wallpaper Engine, and it has gotten 72 likes

Wallpaper Engine was added to AlternativeTo by magdygamal on Feb 27, 2017 and this page was last updated Sep 27, 2023.

Comments and Reviews

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Top positive commentMar 21, 2019

Great way to manage wallpapers for multiple monitors. Even if you're not using live wallpapers it makes it easy to set different wallpaper for each monitor. I got it as a replacement to DeskScapes and I'm very glad I did.

Positive commentOct 31, 2024

I hope you like anime wallpapers, because that's a good chunk of the uploads. Luckily you can filter those out from your search.

Positive commentFeb 13, 2022

Wallpaper Engine has a vast multitude of features, including a powerful wallpaper editor, support for both 2D and 3D interactive scenes, extensive scripting support, custom configurable playlists, and almost anything else you can think of that you would want in a live wallpaper app. The price is more than reasonable. You can transfer your wallpapers to Android phones with their free Android app. There are millions of user created wallpapers that can be searched, filtered, and downloaded, or you can create your own with relative ease.

I highly recommend checking this app out, it's the first app I would recommend getting if you're interested in customizing your desktop.

Ashley Green
Positive commentFeb 10, 2022

Yes it's paid and proprietary, but it's by far the most convenient way to have moving wallpaper. Just $4.

Positive commentDec 24, 2021

When you're not on your desktop, you can set it so the wallpaper stops, thus using as little as possible CPU/GPU, has TONS of wallpapers, you can make your own wallpaper aswell, you can customize the frame rate of any wallpaper, you can create a playlists so it changes your wallpaper at whatever hour you want, or after every log-in, all this for under $5! Reccomend it alot.

Hidde Handel
Positive commentOct 20, 2020

great software use it always haven't had many problems and the backgrounds are epic

CommentSep 28, 2020

Anyone know if I can bring my Blender models/animations into this without exporting them as images or videos?

1 reply

3D models are supported in certain formats like FBX, but 3D animations are not yet supported. You would need to export as a video or use custom shaders and/or scripting to animate things in Wallpaper Engine. 2D animations are supported in Wallpaper Engine through their Puppet Warp rigging and animation tools.

Reply written Feb 13, 2022

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What is Wallpaper Engine?

Wallpaper Engine enables you to use live wallpapers on your Windows desktop. Various types of animated wallpapers are supported, including 3D and 2D animations, websites, videos and even certain applications. Choose an existing wallpaper or create your own and share it on the Steam Workshop! In addition to that, you can use the free Wallpaper Engine companion app for Android to transfer your favorite wallpapers to your Android mobile device and take your live wallpapers on the go.

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