VeraCrypt Alternatives for Android
VeraCrypt is not available for Android but there are plenty of alternatives with similar functionality. The best Android alternative is Cryptomator, which is both free and Open Source. If that doesn't suit you, our users have ranked more than 50 alternatives to VeraCrypt and 12 are available for Android so hopefully you can find a suitable replacement. Other interesting Android alternatives to VeraCrypt are DroidFS, Tella, Nordlocker and ZenCrypt.
filter to find the best alternatives
VeraCrypt alternatives are mainly Disk Encryption Tools but may also be Cloud Storage Services or File Encryption Software. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of VeraCrypt.- Disk Encryption Tool
- Free • Open Source
- 300 likes57 Cryptomator alternatives
Cryptomator provides transparent, client-side encryption for your cloud. Protect your documents from unauthorized access. Cryptomator is free and open source software, so you can rest assured there are no backdoors.
License model
- Freemium • Open Source
Application types
- Mac
- Windows
- Linux
- Android
- iPhone
- Android Tablet
- iPad
- Flathub
- F-Droid
- Homebrew
- Chocolatey
Cryptomator VS VeraCrypt
Is Cryptomator a good alternative to VeraCrypt? - 21 likes24 DroidFS alternatives
DroidFS is an alternative way to use encrypted overlay filesystems on Android that uses its own internal file explorer instead of mounting virtual volumes. It currently only works with gocryptfs but support for CryFS could be added in the future.
DroidFS VS VeraCrypt
Is DroidFS a good alternative to VeraCrypt?Comments about DroidFS as an Alternative to VeraCrypt
LinuxDogeDroidFS is awesome. It integrates nessecary tools to edit all contents in the app, and the encrypting and decrypting process is easy. It uses gocryptfs as backend, so any gocryptfs app can open the files created by it.
2 - 6 likes42 Tella alternatives
Tella is a mobile app designed to protect human rights defenders, advocates, and journalists by encrypting and hiding their sensitive data and safely uploading it to their organization's server.
Tella VS VeraCrypt
Is Tella a good alternative to VeraCrypt? - 6 likes60 Nordlocker alternatives
NordLocker is a Tool, that allows you to encrypt your personal files on your pc. 2GB are free. For more a subscription is required.
License model
- Freemium • Proprietary
Application types
- Mac
- Windows
- Android
- iPhone
- Android Tablet
- iPad
Nordlocker VS VeraCrypt
Is Nordlocker a good alternative to VeraCrypt? - 3 likes54 ZenCrypt alternatives
Welcome to ZenCrypt. With this app, you can safely encrypt files, using a secure and efficient library.
ZenCrypt VS VeraCrypt
Is ZenCrypt a good alternative to VeraCrypt? - 32 likes53 Boxcryptor alternatives
Boxcryptor is an easy-to-use encryption software optimized for the cloud. It allows the secure use of cloud storage services without sacrificing comfort.
License model
- Freemium • Proprietary
- Mac
- Windows
- Android
- iPhone
- Chrome OS
- Android Tablet
- Windows Phone
- iPad
Boxcryptor Features
DiscontinuedBoxcryptor has been acquired by Dropbox on November 29, 2022, and is no longer accepting new users.
Boxcryptor VS VeraCrypt
Is Boxcryptor a good alternative to VeraCrypt?Comments about Boxcryptor as an Alternative to VeraCrypt
JohnDangerbrooksBoxcryptor won't work without an Internet connection. That's because it is a cloud service for the most part.
0 - 1 like51 AESCrypt for Android (AndroidCrypt) alternatives
Used for encrypting and decrypting files with 256 bit AES algorithm.
License model
- Free • Open Source
- Android
- Android Tablet
AESCrypt for Android (AndroidCrypt) Features
DiscontinuedThe latest version (1.7) is from September 2018.
AESCrypt for Android (AndroidCrypt) VS VeraCrypt
Is this a good alternative to VeraCrypt? - 5 likes58 S.S.E. File Encryptor alternatives
S.S.E. File Encryptor is a cross-platform encrypter/decrypter of files and folders.
S.S.E. File Encryptor VS VeraCrypt
Is this a good alternative to VeraCrypt? - 5 likes55 Kruptos alternatives
Lock and encrypt your photos, movies, files and folders using 256-bit file encryption.
Kruptos Features
Kruptos VS VeraCrypt
Is Kruptos a good alternative to VeraCrypt? - 1 like37 Quick Text Encryption alternatives
An app that encrypts text files using the secure AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) encryption, which is approved in the United States for government documents with the highest level of confidentiality.
Quick Text Encryption VS VeraCrypt
Is this a good alternative to VeraCrypt?
Comments about Cryptomator as an Alternative to VeraCrypt
Provides the same functionality as an encrypted virtual disk, but allows you to quickly sync it to the cloud.
Cryptomator is also safe, but not focused on encrypting whole drives. Its use case is encrypting folders into small parts, making Synchronisation easy. Veracrypt in a Cloudfolder would be horrible, as all the contents would be synced on a small change. On the other hand is Cryptomator probably not as secure as Veracrypt.
Cryptomator is focused on encrypting files for cloud storage, and as such makes a minor compromise to security by not obscuring the individual file sizes within the vault. This is done so that the entire vault doesn't have to be resynced when one file is changed, a huge convenience with cloud storage. You absolutely can use it locally, but VeraCrypt offers more security with exclusively local vaults.