Open Source Sonarr AlternativesEpisode Downloaders & Download Managers like Sonarr
The best open source alternative to Sonarr is Jackett. If that doesn't suit you, our users have ranked more than 10 alternatives to Sonarr and 16 is open source so hopefully you can find a suitable replacement. Other interesting open source alternatives to Sonarr are DuckieTV, Medusa - TV Library Manager, FlexGet and SickChill.
filter to find the best alternatives
Sonarr alternatives are mainly Episode Downloaders but may also be Torrent Search Engines or Download Managers. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Sonarr.- Episode Downloader
- Free • Open Source
- 30 likes12 Jackett alternatives
Jackett works as a proxy server: it translates queries from apps Sonarr Radarr SickChill CouchPotato .
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application type
- Mac
- Windows
- Linux
- Online
- Self-Hosted
Jackett VS Sonarr
Is Jackett a good alternative to Sonarr? - 9 likes18 Medusa - TV Library Manager alternatives
Medusa is a fork of Sick Beard (similar to other forks such as SickChill and SickGear ). It allows for automatic television series monitoring of episode information off the...
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application types
- Mac
- Windows
- Linux
- Self-Hosted
Medusa - TV Library Manager Features
Medusa - TV Library Manager VS Sonarr
Is this a good alternative to Sonarr?Comments about Medusa - TV Library Manager as an Alternative to Sonarr
Mickael.Support more indexer TVDB IMDB TMDB TVMAZE .Support all languages indexers .Have a search template for show exceptions
0 - 28 likes20 FlexGet alternatives
FlexGet is a multipurpose automation tool for all of your media Support for torrents, nzbs, podcasts, comics, TV, movies, RSS, HTML, CSV, and more.
FlexGet VS Sonarr
Is FlexGet a good alternative to Sonarr? - 17 likes17 SickChill alternatives
SickChill, previously SickRage, is a fork of Sick Beard to automatically download TV shows from usenet or torrents.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application type
- Mac
- Windows
- Linux
- Self-Hosted
- Cloudron
SickChill Features
SickChill VS Sonarr
Is SickChill a good alternative to Sonarr? - 40 likes16 Sick Beard alternatives
Sick Beard is a PVR for newsgroup users (with limited torrent support). It watches for new episodes of your favorite shows and when they are posted it downloads them, sorts and renames them, and optionally generates metadata for them. It currently supports NZBs.
DiscontinuedThe project seems to be no longer developed. Last commit was made in March 2016 and last version, build-507, was released in November 2014. It can be still downloaded from GitHub.
Sick Beard VS Sonarr
Is Sick Beard a good alternative to Sonarr? - 4 likes12 Hatt alternatives
This tool allows to search for files through multiple websites, with an intuitive user interface. Similarly to what Jackett does, but for DDL (direct download) and streaming.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application types
- Mac
- Windows
- Linux
Hatt VS Sonarr
Is Hatt a good alternative to Sonarr? - 12 likes5 OpenFLIXR alternatives
OpenFLIXR Media Server is an all-in-one media server for automated downloading and serving media. Tools like CouchPotato, SickRage, Headphones and SABnzbd to download and Plex Media Server to bring everything to your screens.
OpenFLIXR VS Sonarr
Is OpenFLIXR a good alternative to Sonarr? - 5 likes6 SickGear alternatives
SickGear has proven the most reliable and stable TV fork of the great Sick-Beard to fully automate TV enjoyment with innovation.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application types
- Mac
- Windows
- Linux
- Self-Hosted
SickGear Features
SickGear VS Sonarr
Is SickGear a good alternative to Sonarr? - 17 likes14 TVShows alternatives
TVShows is a Mac OS X application that automatically downloads your favourite shows. You dont need anymore to manually download torrent files, TVShows does it for you. Manage your subscriptions and preferences from within the TVShows application, and TVShows takes care of the...
DiscontinuedThe project seems to be no longer maintained. Last version, 2.1r2 (631), released on November 18, 2013, can be still downloaded from the official website and the source code is available on Github.
TVShows VS Sonarr
Is TVShows a good alternative to Sonarr? - 5 likes15 MyTvShowOrganizer alternatives
A Complete Set of tools to Organize, Get info and Automatically Download Torrents of Tv-Series Episodes.
MyTvShowOrganizer VS Sonarr
Is MyTvShowOrganizer a good alternative to Sonarr? - 4 likes16 Catch alternatives
Catch is the easiest way to use ShowRSS on OS X. It'll take care of everything. New shows will be downloaded as they are released.
Catch VS Sonarr
Is Catch a good alternative to Sonarr?Comments about Catch as an Alternative to Sonarr
Best one going for Mac, I love it.
0 - 1 like12 Elementum alternatives
Elementum addon is an addon for Kodi, that manages your virtual library, syncs with your Trakt account .
Elementum VS Sonarr
Is Elementum a good alternative to Sonarr?
Comments about Jackett as an Alternative to Sonarr
When Sonarr gets the episode naming wrong, which is often, Jackett is there for a good manual search. Also private sites or english categories can be configured in Jackett and used in Sonarr. They complement eachother.
Jackett is a proxy for something like Sonarr ... not an alternative to Sonarr
because its as close to it as it gets