Tickr Alternatives
Tickr is described as 'TICKR is GTK-based RSS READER application which displays RSS FEEDS in a TICKER bar on your desktop. With a single click, you get the latest headlines scrolling in a thin window on your desktop, as what can be seen on News TV channels' and is a RSS Reader in the news & books category. There are more than 100 alternatives to Tickr for a variety of platforms, including iPhone, iPad, Mac, Web-based and Android apps. The best Tickr alternative is Feedly, which is free. Other great apps like Tickr are Inoreader, Flipboard, QuiteRSS and Reeder .
filter to find the best alternatives
Tickr alternatives are mainly RSS Readers but may also be News Readers or Text to Speech Services. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Tickr.- RSS Reader
- Free • Open Source
- 81 likes244 FeedDemon alternatives
FeedDemon is a popular RSS reader for Windows, with an easy-to-use interface that makes it a snap to stay informed with the latest news and information.
DiscontinuedThe author announced that the development is discontinued on March 14, 2013, but FeedDemon is still downloadable from the official website. It will continue to work without Google Reader synchronization beyond July 1, 2013.
FeedDemon VS Tickr
Is FeedDemon a good alternative to Tickr? - 2 likes208 Lire alternatives
RSS feeds are an effective way to follow updates on your preferred website. However, some websites only show a portion of each entry in their feeds, prompting you to visit their actual website. Unlike other RSS feed readers that either direct you to a browser or require you to...
Lire VS Tickr
Is Lire a good alternative to Tickr? - Like this app56 Reams alternatives
Reams is an AI-powered RSS reader that provides a rich reading experience with features such as customizable layouts, a Safari share extension, and an automatic dark mode.
Reams VS Tickr
Is Reams a good alternative to Tickr? - 27 likes225 Akregator alternatives
Akregator is a news feed reader. It enables you to follow news sites, blogs and other RSS/Atom-enabled websites without the need to manually check for updates using a web browser. Akregator is designed to be both easy to use and to be powerful enough to read hundreds of news...
Akregator VS Tickr
Is Akregator a good alternative to Tickr? - Like this app58 Fiper alternatives
Fiper is a media tracking software, allowing users to follow various media sources, from large newspapers to small blogs, on a fast, redesigned interface, with smart photo cropping and automatic RSS feed detection.
License model
- Free • Proprietary
Application types
- iPhone
- iPad
- Android
- Android Tablet
Fiper Features
Fiper VS Tickr
Is Fiper a good alternative to Tickr? - Like this app63 feeeed alternatives
Feeeed is a customizable news feed tool that allows users to subscribe to various sources, integrate health data, set reminders, and enjoy a private, on-device experience, offering control over what content they see.
feeeed VS Tickr
Is feeeed a good alternative to Tickr? - 12 likes66 RSSOwlnix alternatives
RSSOwlnix is a fork of RSSOwl a powerful application to organize, search and read your RSS, RDF & Atom news feeds in a comfortable way. Highlights are saved searches, google reader sync, notifications, filters, fast fulltext search and...
RSSOwlnix Features
DiscontinuedThe latest update is from December 2022.
RSSOwlnix VS Tickr
Is RSSOwlnix a good alternative to Tickr? - 26 likes236 Newsify alternatives
Read and share your favorite websites and blogs with an amazing newspaper-like layout.
License model
- Freemium • Proprietary
Application types
- Online
- iPhone
- iPad
- Apple Watch
Newsify Features
Newsify VS Tickr
Is Newsify a good alternative to Tickr? - 40 likes230 Feeder alternatives
Feeder.co is a simple way to follow your favorite feeds and sites. Feeder supports most RSS and Atom feeds on the web. Browsing your feeds has never been easier.
License model
- Freemium • Proprietary
Application type
- Online
- Android
- iPhone
- Chrome OS
- Android Tablet
- iPad
- Google Chrome
- Safari
- Firefox
Feeder Features
Feeder VS Tickr
Is Feeder a good alternative to Tickr? - 4 likes65 Smart RSS [Fork] alternatives
RSS Reader extension for Chrome & Firefox. Smart RSS Fork.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application types
- Mac
- Windows
- Linux
- Google Chrome
- Firefox
Smart RSS [Fork] Features
Smart RSS [Fork] VS Tickr
Is Smart RSS [Fork] a good alternative to Tickr? - 31 likes233 Sismics Reader alternatives
Looking for a simple and open feed reader?
Free, open source, easy to use, Sismics Reader is what you need to keep your feeds under control.
Access all your RSS and Atom feeds in one central easy readable place.
Sismics Reader can be installed in few steps on al.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application type
- Mac
- Windows
- Linux
- Online
- Android
- Android Tablet
- Self-Hosted
Sismics Reader Features
DiscontinuedThe last release on GitHub is from 2018, and the Android app hasn't been updated since 2014.
Sismics Reader VS Tickr
Is Sismics Reader a good alternative to Tickr? - 36 likes219 Vienna alternatives
Vienna is an RSS and Atom newsreader, packed with powerful features that help you make sense of the flood of information that is distributed via these formats today.
Vienna Features
Vienna VS Tickr
Is Vienna a good alternative to Tickr?