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Notable icon



Notable is a cross-platform note app. Notes are plain Markdown files, their metadata is stored as Markdown front matter. Attachments are also plain files, if you attach a picture.jpg to a note everything about it will be preserved, and it will remain accessible like any other...

Notable screenshot 1

License model

  • FreeProprietary


  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • Electron / Atom Shell
3.4 / 5 Avg rating (11)
0 news articles


Suggest and vote on features


  1.  Privacy focused
  2.  Distraction-free


  1.  Hierarchical tags
  2.  Support for MarkDown
  3.  Nested tags
  4.  Notebook
  5.  Ad-free
  6.  Works Offline
  7.  No registration required
  8.  Dark Mode
  9.  WYSIWYG Support
  10.  File Tagging
  11.  Code Formatting
  12.  Syntax Highlighting
  13.  Electron based
  14.  Save as Markdown
  15.  Write files in markdown


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Notable information

  • Developed by

    Fabio Spampinato
  • Licensing

    Proprietary and Free product.
  • Written in

  • Rating

    Average rating of 3.4 (11 ratings)
  • Alternatives

    68 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

AlternativeTo Categories

Office & ProductivityDevelopmentFile Management

GitHub repository

  •  21,824 Stars
  •  1,121 Forks
  •  686 Open Issues
  •   Updated Jul 26, 2023 

Our users have written 10 comments and reviews about Notable, and it has gotten 34 likes

Notable was added to AlternativeTo by David on Dec 27, 2018 and this page was last updated Jul 26, 2023.

Comments and Reviews

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Top positive commentJun 1, 2023

Good app, but web-based (Electron) UI and adds weird blocks to markdown files it edits

Sam Lander
Top negative commentJul 25, 2023

It's nice and clean, and works without glitches.

However, it's proprietary unlike open-source markdown note-taking apps which do the same thing, like Zim-Wiki and others, and lacks many plugins like Obsidian.

It's also electron-based like Obsidian, meaning it almost always uses more resources than similar apps.

So there isn't much point in using it.

Nick M
Negative commentDec 9, 2024

It is clunky, and lacks in features. Hard to work.

Positive commentJan 20, 2022

I absolutely love this app, I practically live inside of it. A few things to know: (1) You must get the beta edition: it's 2 light-years ahead in development compared to the 1.84 version on webpage. The developer is incredibly responsive (I've suggested features that he's released hours later!) but also a bit of a design freak and a perfectionist who does not want to release with fanfare until he feels it's ready. But this app kills.

(2) clean intelligent design minimalism on the surface but extremely powerful under the hood.

(3) There's a command scripting language with 700 commands, very much like vscode. That means you can remap any shortcut and do things that other apps can only do via plugins.

(3) other cool features: drag and drop tagging; multi-note batch edit mode; great code-formatting, katex support, many options for text based diagrams; powerful boolean search and tag filters; export/import to many formats; quickly switch between collections of notes; multi-window support, multiple and persistent tabs; absolutely customizable via simple scripting language, CSS, javascript. Soon to come plugins.

This is the vscode of markdown editors in terms of power (but designed to be a much more pleasant to use). Love this app.

Positive commentJun 7, 2021

Simple but powerful

Hoek Hoek
Positive commentJul 26, 2020

I started using it as an alternative to CherryTree. If you like Markdown then this is notepad for you. Project is actively developed, everything works fine and it is easy to sync notes using eg. Google Drive or like in my case personal NAS (Synology).

Positive commentApr 15, 2020

A brill little piece of software. Just what I was looking for!

It takes a while to get used to, and it can be a bit frustrating at times, especially if you don't know Markdown very well. Thankfully there is a little cheat sheet in the menus!

There are some things that are a bit annoying, like no mobile apps or syncing, but the developers are promising this, so hopefully it will get even better!

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What is Notable?

Notable is a cross-platform note app. Notes are plain Markdown files, their metadata is stored as Markdown front matter. Attachments are also plain files, if you attach a picture.jpg to a note everything about it will be preserved, and it will remain accessible like any other file.


  • No proprietary formats: Notable is just a pretty front-end for a structured folder and uses plain Markdown
  • Notes get rendered as GitHub-flavored Markdown
  • Indefinitely nestable tags
  • Fuzzy search
  • Code syntax highlighting
  • Multi-note editing and search/replace

Although on GitHub, only older versions are open-source: