Lumina Desktop Environment Alternatives
Lumina Desktop Environment is described as 'Lumina is a lightweight, BSD licensed, standards-compliant desktop environment based upon Qt and Fluxbox. It is being developed on PC-BSD, and is being packaged for distribution on the PC-BSD package repository as well' and is a desktop environment in the os & utilities category. There are more than 50 alternatives to Lumina Desktop Environment for a variety of platforms, including Linux, BSD, Wayland, Mac and Windows apps. The best Lumina Desktop Environment alternative is KDE Plasma, which is both free and Open Source. Other great apps like Lumina Desktop Environment are GNOME, Xfce, Cinnamon and COSMIC.
filter to find the best alternatives
Lumina Desktop Environment alternatives are mainly Window Managers but may also be Desktop Environments or Wayland Compositors. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Lumina Desktop Environment.- Desktop Environment
- Free • Open Source
- 1 like57 Pinnacle alternatives
Pinnacle is a Wayland compositor built in Rust using Smithay. It's my attempt at creating something like AwesomeWM for Wayland.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application types
- Linux
- Wayland
Pinnacle Features
Pinnacle VS Lumina Desktop Environment
Is Pinnacle a good alternative to Lumina Desktop Environment? - 1 like60 miracle-wm alternatives
A Wayland compositor based on Mir. It features a tiling window manager at its core, very much in the style of i3 and sway. The intention is to build a compositor that is flashier and more feature-rich than either of those compositors, like swayfx.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application types
- Wayland
- Linux
miracle-wm Features
miracle-wm VS Lumina Desktop Environment
Is miracle-wm a good alternative to Lumina Desktop Environment? License model
- Free • Open Source
Application types
- Linux
- Openbox
- Wayland
Waybox Features
Waybox VS Lumina Desktop Environment
Is Waybox a good alternative to Lumina Desktop Environment?- 1 like70 Polonium alternatives
An autotile manager for Plasma 6. An (unofficial) spiritual successor to Bismuth built on KWin 6. The descendant of autotile.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application types
- Linux
- Wayland
Polonium Features
Polonium VS Lumina Desktop Environment
Is Polonium a good alternative to Lumina Desktop Environment? - 1 like60 Japokwm alternatives
A dynamic tiling Wayland compositor (forked from dwl) that makes it a breeze to create custom layouts with a simple configuration. 🚀
Japokwm VS Lumina Desktop Environment
Is Japokwm a good alternative to Lumina Desktop Environment? - 1 like73 dwl alternatives
dwl is a compact, hackable compositor for Wayland based on wlroots. It is intended to fill the same space in the Wayland world that dwm does in X11, primarily in terms of functionality, and secondarily in terms of philosophy. Like dwm, dwl is:
dwl VS Lumina Desktop Environment
Is dwl a good alternative to Lumina Desktop Environment? - 1 like64 Gnome Mutter alternatives
Mutter is a Wayland display server and X11 window manager and compositor library.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application type
- Linux
- Wayland
Gnome Mutter Features
Gnome Mutter VS Lumina Desktop Environment
Is Gnome Mutter a good alternative to Lumina Desktop Environment? - 5 likes64 Ratpoison alternatives
Ratpoison is a simple window manager with no fat library dependencies, no fancy graphics, no window decorations, and no rodent dependence. The screen can be split into non-overlapping frames. All windows are kept maximized inside their frames to take full advantage of your...
Ratpoison VS Lumina Desktop Environment
Is Ratpoison a good alternative to Lumina Desktop Environment? - 3 likes24 Trinity Desktop Environment (TDE) alternatives
KDE 3.5 fork. A computer desktop environment for Unix-like operating systems with a primary goal of retaining the function and form of traditional desktop computers.
Trinity Desktop Environment (TDE) VS Lumina Desktop Environment
Is this a good alternative to Lumina Desktop Environment? - 9 likes26 CDE (Common Desktop Environment) alternatives
The Common Desktop Environment was created by a collaboration of Sun, HP, IBM, DEC, SCO, Fujitsu and Hitachi. Used on a selection of commercial UNIXs, it is now available as open-source software for the first time.
CDE (Common Desktop Environment) VS Lumina Desktop Environment
Is this a good alternative to Lumina Desktop Environment? - 4 likes25 GNUstep alternatives
GNUstep's core framework provides open source version of the Cocoa's (formerly known as OpenStep from NeXT) APIs and tools for as many platforms as possible.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application type
- Windows
- Linux
GNUstep Features
GNUstep VS Lumina Desktop Environment
Is GNUstep a good alternative to Lumina Desktop Environment? - 2 likes24 UKUI alternatives
UKUI is a lightweight desktop environment based on pluggable framework for Linux and other Unix-like Distributions. It is developed using GTK and Qt.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application type
- Linux
- Ubuntu Kylin
UKUI Features
UKUI VS Lumina Desktop Environment
Is UKUI a good alternative to Lumina Desktop Environment?