Designing of 3d models to get them 3d-printed. 3D models are based on parametric 2d sketches. All models can be exported as an STL file and 3d-printed after.
Creating of 2d parametric sketches which could be exported to DWG or SVG format.
No any server-side needed. Only client side Javascript.
Geometric Constraint Solver. This is a most crucial component which allows to solve a system of geometric constraints applied to a sketch. See below the list of supported constraints
2D Sketcher. Allows to design 2d sketches applying geometric constraints. Uses HTML5 canvas for rendering.
3D Modeller. Is used for solid modelling. Uses 2D sketches to perform EXTRUDE and CUT operations on faces of a solid object. Uses WebGL and THREE.js for rendering
3D modeller supports navigation over history of modifications where parameters of the craft operations(extrude/cut) could be changed and reapplied again
Export to STL, DWG and SVG formats
Saving projects in the browser locale storage
Repository of dimensions. For example if there is a line length constraint applied, it's not necessary to hardcode some length value. A dimension with a symbolic name can be created and the constraint can refer to that dimension by name. Once value of dimension gets changed the sketch is resolved again accordingly to the new dimension values.
2D measurement tool. Allows adding dimensions on a 2D drawing(Linear, Vertical, Horizontal and Arc/Circle dimension are supported)
Comments and Reviews
hmm is this better than freecad , looking at naming face issue in freecad !