Google Bookmarks
Google Bookmarks is a free online bookmark storage service, available to Google Account holders. It allows one to bookmark favorite websites and add labels or tags, and also notes.
Google Bookmarks will shut down in September 2021.
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- IanDorfman published news article about Google BookmarksGoogle Bookmarks is being discontinued September 30th, 2021
Google is retiring its Bookmarks service, adding another body to the Killed By Google graveyard. 16...
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- julialjonesjones liked Google Bookmarks
Comments and Reviews
Gmarks with "All-in-One Sidebar" is best for Firefox, XMarks best for cross-browser-usage
I have installed the GMarks AddOn for Firefox for comparing with Xmarks. In GMarks you also can have subfolders, as you can in XMarks. The categories, tags and the changing of folders is much easier in GMarks. In Gmarks a search also finds texts in the pages, to which the bookmarks point. This is top and unique. So my clear preference for a bookmark-service is GMarks together with the FF-Addon "All-in-One Sidebar", if I need no sync with IE-bookmarks.
Advantages of XMarks:
If I need a sync with the IE-bookmarks I prefer XMarks: it is the best cross-browser-usable bookmark-service. Since Dec.2nd, 2010 XMarks has a new owner: LastPass. LastPass is together with KeePass + KeeFox one of the best Password Services worldwide. If you can open a web-page with the browser, you can access your XMarks-Bookmarks even on windows mobile smart phones. For Android and iPhone XMarks has already special mobile apps, which are better than bookmark-access via web browser. KeePass combined with KeeFox is a very secure password-service. But LastPass is more comfortable and it has most LIKES in AlternativeTo.net of all password-services.
Discontinued by August 15 2018
A report in the 9to5Google says that the ‘Save to Google’ extensions for the Chrome browser will be obsolete from next month. Google has also warned its users via a yellow warning stating that this extension will be discontinued from August 15. The same warning report also says that the users will be able to view them via ‘Saved’ site.
the website still alive and you can use a bookmarklet to add new bookmark
Reply written Feb 14, 2020
I use Google bookmarks and Keepass, which is as open source and free password manager that I control. Google bookmarks are perfectly fine. If you can open a web-page with the browser, you can access your bookmarks even on smart phones. I liked Foxmark and XMarks, but they sold out and will likely sell you out too for ad dollars.