Gab Social is an open source and fully decentralized social network powered by the Gab Platform. It is the new social network of Gab.com. This change was made to further Gab's commitment to its users trust and privacy online.
Gab is less moderated compared to other social networks and could be offensive to some people
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- sredfred liked Gab
- alternativeto-esteemed269 liked Gab
- tormuto added Gab as alternative to MindViewers
- jdakfkj333 added Two-factor Authentication as a feature to Gab
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Comments and Reviews
Best social media site I've used. NICE.
Gab is good on paper, but it's nothing more than a circle-jerk of an specific theme. I joined thinking it was an alternative to twitter and all the universe of topics around, but gab is nothing but politics, and worse of all, American politics where you're either on one side or you're the enemy.
you're either on one side or you're the enemy.
So yeah, exactly like Twitter
Reply written Mar 17, 2023
Gab kills.
This is not a joke.
On October 27, 2018, a man named Robert Bowers entered the Tree of Life*Or L'Simcha synagogue, which it shared with Dor Hadash and New Light. At the end of that day, eleven Jews lay dead, including a doctor who rushed to help, two disabled brothers, and so many others. A Holocaust survivor was a few minutes late and so was spared. It was the deadliest antisemitic attack on American soil. Ever.
And the shooter posted on Gab.
And the shooter was radicalized by Gab.
Nor was this an outlier. Gab users posted polls following it. Politico posted a good article: https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2018/10/29/inside-the-online-cesspool-of-anti-semitism-that-housed-robert-bowers-221949/. Highlights: in one poll, 35 percent of Gabbers supported freaking genocide against Jews; twenty-five percent supported Mr. Bowers, the murderer; and other disturbing statistics.
If you use Gab, you tolerate antisemitism.
If you tolerate antisemitism, you are an antisemite.
Therefore, if you use Gab, you are an antisemite.
If you are something, I get to state that you are that thing.
Therefore, if you use Gab, I get to call you antisemitic.
Sweet, I might start using it again. Thanks for the recommendation.
Reply written Apr 29, 2024
"If you are in favor of free speech you are an anti-Semite."
No bro, being in favor of free speech doesn't mean you hate Jews.
And the fact that a crazy dude used the site doesn't mean it radicalized him. You would think maybe a guy in his 20s could be radicalized from a website, but a 50-year-old dude? Stop fear mongering.
Reply written Apr 30, 2024
Gab is dying now due to the wonderful idea of charging people to post memes. Traffic is down by about 70%, engagement has always been low. While you may have to worry about running afoul of T&C on other social media, at least they are free.
Torba blew it all to hell!
Reply written Apr 29, 2024
When is this happening? The article I found said March, but I just tried posting memes, and it uploaded fine.
He says it's for privacy, but having to pay makes that harder. It would be better to have advertisements that are for the general user base rather than for individuals. Privacy plus free if you don't want to pay to remove ads.
Reply written Apr 30, 2024
Due to the low traffic and losing money, he's now allowed free users to post images as long as they don't go over 50mb a day.
Reply written May 1, 2024
Most based and redpilled social network in the Internet. Wokes can't help but cry about it.
I don't use Gab because it's an echo chamber for conservatives.
However, I respect that it respects free speech. And it's open-source.
Too bad there isn't a mainstream site like Gab. The same idea with a better user-base.
Unfortunately, with most of these smaller sites, you have echo chambers. And then you have decentralized ones like Mastadon who are anti-free speech.
Liberalism depends on endless censorship to even exist.
Reply written Apr 29, 2024
An absolute cesspool. Where braincells go to die. Avoid at all costs.