FlashGet is a leading download manager and has the highest amount of users on the internet. It uses MHT(Multi-server Hyper-threading Transportation) technique, supports various protocols and has excellent document management features.
The program is no longer updated. Last version, 3.7, released on November 8th, 2012, can be downloaded from the official website.
Be careful during the installation: https://alternativeto.net/discussions/applications/11718/be-careful-in-the-installation/
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- mr430 added FlashGet as alternative to Gabut Download Manager
Comments and Reviews
Not sure about the classic version, but 1.96 was the best received of all the versions. After that though, the program ended up under some unreliable management which turned it into adware and made it annoying to use. I can't speak for the 3.x versions' effectiveness since I couldn't stand the GUI long enough to download with it.
1.73 is the best.
Reply written Jul 7, 2015
DanMan: cause there are huge differences between these, they want to give you the option.
Does anyone know why they offer 3 different versions to download (3.x, 1.96 and classic)?