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Encrypto icon



Encrypto lets you encrypt files before sending them to friends or coworkers. Just drop a file into Encrypto, set a password, and then send it however you normally would — but this time with added security. It’s free for both Mac and Windows.

Encrypto screenshot 1

License model

  • FreeProprietary

Application type


  • Mac
  • Windows
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  1.  Lightweight


  1.  PDF encryption
  2.  128-bit encryption

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Encrypto information

  • Developed by

    MacPaw Inc.
  • Licensing

    Proprietary and Free product.
  • Alternatives

    85 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

AlternativeTo Category

Security & Privacy

Our users have written 1 comments and reviews about Encrypto, and it has gotten 22 likes

Encrypto was added to AlternativeTo by Tarcilio Neto on Sep 27, 2015 and this page was last updated Jun 21, 2024.

Comments and Reviews

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John Fastman
CommentDec 17, 2016

Encrypto is a program that allows you to encrypt individual files, for example so that you can email them as attachments without the risk that someone can intercept them and read them. It uses the AES-256 algorithm for encryption. You select a password and communicate this to the recipient through other means. They then use Encrypto to decrypt the file and read the contents.

All this is excellent except that:

  • Encrypto is proprietary, not open source. This means it is not possible to see their code and assess if the cryptography is correctly implemented and if there are any backdoors or not.
  • Encrypto creates the encrypted version of the file as a .crypto file. This seems exclusive to them, so it's not clear that any other app could be used to open the file, even if it also uses the AES-256 standard. Therefore, it seems like if you encrypt your files using Encrypto, you're locking yourself to Encrypto.
  • 7-Zip is an open source alternative that does exactly the same thing, and therefore is not locking you in and you can check the code. However, 7Zip does not work natively on Mac.

What is Encrypto?

Secure Any File with AES-256 Encryption

Encrypto takes any file or folder and adds AES-256 encryption to it. With encryption, you know your file is incredibly secure and that only the right person can access it.

Create a Password Hint

Rather than relay a password to the recipient, include a unique, embedded password hint that only they would be able to decipher.

Send Files Securely

Send encrypted files via email, Messages, AirDrop, Dropbox, carrier pigeon with USB stick — however you send them, your files are protected.

…Or Save Them to Disk

With Encrypto, not only can you encrypt and share files, but you can also save them to your own disk. Select your files, put them through Encrypto, and voilà — they’re protected.

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