ATWiki Alternatives
ATWiki is described as 'TiddlyWiki for Windows. A unique non-linear notebook for capturing, organising and sharing complex information. ATWiki is an independent project of TiddlyWiki' and is a Note-taking tool in the office & productivity category. There are more than 50 alternatives to ATWiki for a variety of platforms, including Windows, Mac, Linux, Web-based and Self-Hosted apps. The best ATWiki alternative is Zim, which is both free and Open Source. Other great apps like ATWiki are TiddlyWiki, Trilium Notes, BookStack and MediaWiki.
filter to find the best alternatives
ATWiki alternatives are mainly Note-taking Tools but may also be Todo List Managers or Team Collaboration Tools. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of ATWiki.- Note-taking Tool
- Free • Open Source
- 2 likes52 LionWiki alternatives
LionWiki is a minimalist Wiki engine programmed in PHP. It is extensible, templatable, file based (it doesn't need database like MySQL) and requires just one file to function. It is suitable for small websites, personal notebooks or journals.
DiscontinuedSeemingly discontinued, as the official website is just the default Nginx install page.
LionWiki VS ATWiki
Is LionWiki a good alternative to ATWiki? - 5 likes56 ZuluPad alternatives
ZuluPad is a notepad on crack. Its a place to jot down class notes, appointments, to-do lists, favorite websites, annotated bookmarks, pretty much anything...
DiscontinuedURL has vanished
ZuluPad VS ATWiki
Is ZuluPad a good alternative to ATWiki? - 4 likes69 Planzone alternatives
Planzone is a collaborative project management software that enables teams to collaborate by sharing to-dos, documents, wiki pages and schedules.
License model
- Paid • Proprietary
Application types
- Online
Planzone Features
Planzone VS ATWiki
Is Planzone a good alternative to ATWiki? - 1 like75 MarkWiki alternatives
MarkWiki aims to be dead simple. MarkWiki was born out of frustration with bad documentation tools behind a company firewall that were too complex.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application type
- Mac
- Windows
- Linux
- Self-Hosted
MarkWiki Features
DiscontinuedMarkWiki is unmaintained since January 2017 according to the GitHub repo
MarkWiki VS ATWiki
Is MarkWiki a good alternative to ATWiki? - 3 likes15 Malkovich alternatives
Malkovich is your own personal wiki. It's self contained and easy to install. There is no need to mess around with servers and databases. Notes use Markdown syntax.
DiscontinuedWebsite unavailable.
Malkovich VS ATWiki
Is Malkovich a good alternative to ATWiki? - 1 like4 MPTW alternatives
MPTW, the TiddlyWiki formerly known as MonkeyPirateTiddlyWiki. MPTW is a distribution or edition of TiddlyWiki that includes a standard TiddlyWiki core packaged with some plugins designed to improve usability and provide a better way to organise your information.
DiscontinuedAbandoned - still able to download.
Is MPTW a good alternative to ATWiki? - 1 like192 Catzwares Simple Notes alternatives
Have you ever needed to remember something real important but had no way to? Catzware introduces Simple Notes, a program which allows you to make up to five notes and keep them open on your desktop all at the same time so you never forget anything again!
License model
- Free • Proprietary
Application type
- Windows
Catzwares Simple Notes Features
Catzwares Simple Notes VS ATWiki
Is this a good alternative to ATWiki? - 1 like10 Book on a Stick alternatives
Write a book in one self-contained file that runs entirely in your browser and can be kept on portable media you carry in your pocket!
DiscontinuedAs the author states: " I’ve decided to stop working on Book on a Stick"
Book on a Stick VS ATWiki
Is Book on a Stick a good alternative to ATWiki? - Like this app12 Woas alternatives
Woas is a complete wiki in a single HTML file that works in every major browser, including older versions (even IE6!). It can store and display images and files within itself and is incredibly useful for research and documentation.
Woas VS ATWiki
Is Woas a good alternative to ATWiki? - 1 like170 LabLog alternatives
LabLog makes it easy for research laboratories to store data, experiments, observations and protocols in the cloud while complying with all federal regulations. Based in the US, they are able to provide local, on-site support to all industry clients.
LabLog VS ATWiki
Is LabLog a good alternative to ATWiki? - 1 like14 YesWiki alternatives
Interoperable website engine built for easy cooperation: create, feed and display collaborative database, encapsulated tools and websites... it works great as a central station to welcome and redirect collaborators.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application type
- MySQL Community Edition
- Self-Hosted
YesWiki Features
YesWiki VS ATWiki
Is YesWiki a good alternative to ATWiki? - Like this app192 Delphinus Notes alternatives
Delphinus Notes is a freeware program designed to keep and manage notes. It contains simple notepad, calendar (with week schedule) and expenditure management module. All data can be encrypted and program can be protected by the password.
License model
- Free • Proprietary
Application type
- Windows
Delphinus Notes Features
DiscontinuedThe official website is no longer available. Last version,, released in September 2012, can be still downloaded from
Delphinus Notes VS ATWiki
Is Delphinus Notes a good alternative to ATWiki?