AIMP icon
AIMP icon



AIMP is a powerful free audio player that supports for local files, NAS, clouds, and podcasts. Additionally, it includes powerful tools to operate with audio files.

AIMP screenshot 1

License model

  • FreeProprietary

Application types


  • Windows
  • Android
4.7 / 5 Avg rating (44)
0 news articles


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  1.  Lightweight
  2.  Customizable
  3.  Support for Themes
  4.  Privacy focused


  1.  Music Library
  2.  Playlists management
  3.  Skins
  4.  Mp3 Tag Editor
  5.  Audio Conversion
  6.  Remembers position in file
  7.  Crossfading
  8.  Internet Radio
  9.  Full keyboard shortcuts
  10.  Hi-Fi Sound
  11. icon  Integrated scrobbler
  12.  Dark Mode
  13.  Skinnable
  14.  Built-In ID3 Tag Editor
  15.  MP3 / ID3 Renaming
  16.  Extensible by Plugins/Extensions
  17.  Podcast Player
  18. Android icon  Android Sync
  19.  Icon sets
  20.  Playback speed control
  21.  Multiple languages
  22.  Works Offline
  23.  Waveform Seekbar
  24.  Support for Lyrics
  25.  Portable
  26.  Built-in Tag editor
  27.  Lossless Audio
  28.  Ad-free
  29.  Batch Editing
  30.  Collaborative Playlists
  31.  Support for VST Plugins
  32.  Radio Player
  33.  Support for Hotkeys
  34.  Live Radio
  35.  Interface Overlay
  36.  Skin customization
  37.  Cloud file stream
  38.  Stream audio
  39.  Multiuser mode support
  40.  Streaming
  41.  Automatic album art download
  42.  Vocal Remover Support

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    POX added AIMP as alternative to WalkStar
    6 days ago
  • nttldnknwn, ArafatZahran and alexcoere liked AIMP
    9 days ago
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    POX added AIMP as alternative to Kysela
    about 1 month ago
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    CIAvash added AIMP as alternative to Phocid
    about 1 month ago
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    POX added AIMP as alternative to Rune Player
    about 2 months ago
  • reelriight liked AIMP
    about 2 months ago
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    POX added AIMP as alternative to G4Music
    2 months ago
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    gaobill added AIMP as alternative to MonsterMusic
    2 months ago
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AIMP information

  • Developed by

    Artem Izmaylov
  • Licensing

    Proprietary and Free product.
  • Rating

    Average rating of 4.7 (44 ratings)
  • Alternatives

    327 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

Our users have written 51 comments and reviews about AIMP, and it has gotten 847 likes

AIMP was added to AlternativeTo by Killy on Mar 30, 2009 and this page was last updated May 15, 2024.

Comments and Reviews

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Comment summary: AIMP is appreciated for its excellent audio quality, feature-rich customization options, and low resource consumption, making it a top pick for former Winamp users. The player is praised for its intuitive interface, plugin support, and portable version. However, concerns include its lack of a Mac and Linux version and occasional resource intensiveness. Despite these issues, it remains a popular choice among users seeking a reliable, versatile audio player.
Top positive commentJun 25, 2012

AIMP is without question the best audio player I've ever used. I had been a devout Winamp user for as long as I can remember, having tried and failed to migrate to different players at different times, including Quintessential Player, foobar2000 and Spider Player. No single player satisfied my needs so I had two or three players installed at once, with AIMP being the latest addition. Now only AIMP is installed on my machine, because AIMP covers absolutely everything and it does it better than anything I've tried previously.

I'm writing this review about AIMP3 3.10 RC 2 build 1051, released just this month.

I won't write about every single feature of the software but the following is relevant to the functionality I personally found to be the most worthy of note.


If you listen to audiobooks or podcasts and don't intend to listen to the entire thing in one sitting you can add a bookmark which, when activated later, will continue playing the track at the point where you left it. This - along with pretty much every other function of the player - can be assigned to a hotkey combination (global OR local). So, you can hit the hotkey combo you defined and then immediately move onto another track in your playlist, or switch to different playlist. Which brings me to the next point:

Tabbed Playlists

You can create numerous playlists and have them available on a tab bar, making the track lists contained therein one-click away. You can also configure the player to open a double-clicked audio file in a new tab/playlist, which is pretty handy when you just wanna listen to or check out a freshly downloaded audio file without having to mess around with your current playlist or create a new one manually.


This is my favourite feature of the player. You can choose to have the player docked to the edge of the screen, which isn't particularly groundbreaking, but you can have the player "hide" in the edge of the screen until you move your mouse to the edge in question. When the mouse hits the edge, a small icon appears below it (which prevents the player from interfering with unrelated edge-clicking!). No matter where you place the mouse on the screen edge the icon will appear about a centimetre below it. When you click the icon the player slides into view. Click outside the player and it slides back again.

Inline Search

One of the things which attracted to me to Spider Player was its in-line search bar, and when I discovered that AIMP had the same feature it was one more reason to ditch the former. The search bar lets you type the name of a song and it will immediately jump to it in the current playlist (it will begin to do so in real-time as you type). It includes an arrow icon which when clicked will jump to the next matching track if needed. Very handy feature.

AIMP supports pretty much any format you can imagine, it supports plugins and skinning, it has a full-featured library, it converts audio formats, it has a tag editor, it has a scheduler...I can't think of anything it doesn't have, in fact. The number of available plugins is pretty low and I'm guessing this is simply because there's little need to add anything to this already-robust software. Despite the vast plethora of support this player offers it's not "bloated". It's speedy, has a clean interface and is pretty friendly to system resources.

Oh yeah, and it's free.

CommentOct 27, 2024

AIMP also supports Linux (Wine)

Positive commentMar 10, 2024
• Edited Aug 22, 2024

Resources friendly, Fast, lightweight with skins, add-ons, frequently updated. Using it on Desktop and android.

Negative commentFeb 19, 2024

russian audio player. Please refrain from using it. Better use foobar2000. Or MusicBee, the interface is kinda similar.

Positive commentNov 23, 2023
• Edited Nov 23, 2023

I like AIMP for the maximum amount of features on a minimum Winamp-like user interface. The only bummer is that there is no official Linux version, but it works fine for me on Linux using the Wine emulator.

CommentApr 22, 2023

Un reproductor musical de calidad

Roman Fetisov
ReviewApr 21, 2023

The only background program in the world that does not have the ability to minimize to tray when the window is closed (no such option). And the author thinks that those who make such programs and those who need such functionality are fools....

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What is AIMP?

AIMP is a powerful free audio player that supports for local files, NAS, clouds, and podcasts. Additionally, it includes powerful tools to operate with audio files.

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