Tanglu Alternatives
Tanglu is described as 'Debian-based Linux distribution which aims to provide the best desktop experience for regular users and enthusiasts' and is a Linux Distro in the os & utilities category. There are more than 100 alternatives to Tanglu for a variety of platforms, including Linux, Mac, Windows, BSD and Self-Hosted apps. The best Tanglu alternative is Lubuntu, which is both free and Open Source. Other great apps like Tanglu are Raspberry Pi OS, CentOS, Chrome OS and Void Linux.
filter to find the best alternatives
Tanglu alternatives are mainly Linux Distros but may also be Operating Systems or Mobile OSs. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Tanglu.- Linux Distro
- Free • Open Source
- 3 likes154 ZevenOS alternatives
ZevenOS is an Ubuntu -based GNU/Linux distribution with focus on providing a fast and easy-to-use system with BeOS-like user interface and support for older hardware.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application types
- Linux
ZevenOS Features
DiscontinuedDevelopment seems to be stopped with last version, ZevenOS 6.0 – Goodbye Edition, released in December 2014, which is still downloadable and supported till 2019.
ZevenOS VS Tanglu
Is ZevenOS a good alternative to Tanglu? - 2 likes128 Enso OS alternatives
Enso aims to be a clean and simple OS that is easy to use and incorporates some of our favourite projects from around the Linux world.
Enso OS VS Tanglu
Is Enso OS a good alternative to Tanglu? - 2 likes153 CLIP OS alternatives
The CLIP OS project is an open source project maintained by the ANSSI (National Cybersecurity Agency of France) that aims to build a secure, multi-level operating system, based on the Linux kernel and a lot of free and open source software.
Is CLIP OS a good alternative to Tanglu? - 3 likes152 Frugalware alternatives
Frugalware Linux is an independently developed general purpose desktop Linux distribution designed for intermediate users. It follows simple Slackware -like design concepts and includes the .
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application types
- Linux
Frugalware Features
Frugalware VS Tanglu
Is Frugalware a good alternative to Tanglu? - 2 likes169 Bluestar Linux alternatives
Bluestar Linux is an Arch Linux-based distribution, built with an understanding that people want and need a solid Operating System that provides a breadth of functionality and ease of use without sacrificing aesthetics.
Bluestar Linux VS Tanglu
Is Bluestar Linux a good alternative to Tanglu? - 3 likes138 RetroBSD alternatives
RetroBSD is a port of 2.11BSD Unix intended for embedded systems with fixed memory mapping. The current target is Microchip PIC32 microcontroller with 128 kbytes of RAM and 512 kbytes of Flash.
RetroBSD VS Tanglu
Is RetroBSD a good alternative to Tanglu? - 1 like188 dahliaOS alternatives
dahliaOS is a modern, secure, lightweight and responsive operating system, combining the best of GNU/Linux and Fuchsia OS.
dahliaOS VS Tanglu
Is dahliaOS a good alternative to Tanglu? - 1 like67 Trenta OS alternatives
Beautiful, Open, and Free - Trenta OS is a Linux based operating system that aims to compete graphically with some well known premium operating systems but in the free & open-source Linux world.
Trenta OS VS Tanglu
Is Trenta OS a good alternative to Tanglu? - 5 likes86 Helal Linux alternatives
Helal Linux is an Islamic Arabic Linux distribution based on Ubuntu. Helal Linux features most important packages which means to Muslim user built-in, in addition to software developed by Helal Team, and a lot to discover.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application types
- Linux
Helal Linux Features
Helal Linux VS Tanglu
Is Helal Linux a good alternative to Tanglu? - 3 likes153 Minoca OS alternatives
Minoca OS is a general purpose operating system designed specifically for feature-rich embedded devices. It's got all the high-level functionality that you've come to expect from an operating system, but offers it in a fraction of the memory footprint.
Minoca OS VS Tanglu
Is Minoca OS a good alternative to Tanglu? - 1 like139 Karoshi alternatives
Karoshi provides a simple graphical interface that allows for quick installation, setup and maintenance of a network.
Karoshi VS Tanglu
Is Karoshi a good alternative to Tanglu? - 2 likes158 PureDarwin alternatives
Darwin is the Open Source operating system from Apple that forms the basis for Mac OS X, and PureDarwin is a community project to make Darwin more usable (some people think of it as the informal successor to OpenDarwin.
PureDarwin VS Tanglu
Is PureDarwin a good alternative to Tanglu?