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Create on-the-go with free tools and smart insights from Tailwind, your new Instagram smart assistant!

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  • FreemiumProprietary


  • iPhone
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  • Software as a Service (SaaS)
  • Online
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Tailwind information

  • Developed by

    Tailwind App
  • Licensing

    Proprietary and Freemium product.
  • Pricing

    Subscription ranging between $10 and $100 per month + free version with limited functionality.
  • Alternatives

    42 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

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Social & Communications

Apple AppStore

  •   Updated Apr 5, 2022
  •   3.68 avg rating
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What is Tailwind?

Create on-the-go with free tools and smart insights from Tailwind, your new Instagram smart assistant!

Tailwind’s NEW and improved Mobile Instagram Planner provides all the tools and insights you need to plan, schedule, and Auto Post for the perfect Instagram feed.

Grow your reach & engagement with time-saving Instagram tools like HASHTAG FINDER you can’t get anywhere else.

¦ HASHTAG FINDER Get intelligent hashtag recommendations unique to every post.

¦ AUTO POST Upload any single image or video and publish directly to your Instagram feed.

¦ ADVANCED ANALYTICS Identify your best posts and measure IG follower growth with a simple overview that makes it easy to see what's working.

¦ 9-GRID PREVIEW Rearrange your 9-grid and guarantee your profile always looks too good to ignore.

¦ SMARTSCHEDULE Let Tailwind's scheduler pick the post times when your audience is already most engaged to get more engagement out of every post.

¦ STORY SCHEDULING Add photos and videos to post via Stories later.

¦ MULTIPLE IMAGE POSTS Plan & schedule multiple image posts to boost your engagement.

¦ HASHTAG LISTS Save top-performing lists to instantly add your best hashtags and caption starters.

¦ HIDE HASHTAGS Send each post's hashtags into the first comment.

¦ SMART.BIO Drive traffic from Instagram with a 24/7 auto-updating bio link.

¦ REGRAM Share Instagram images straight from your browser or favorite apps.

¦ SUMMARY REPORTS Choose to receive daily, weekly or monthly digests of your most important Instagram metrics for healthy growth.

¦ SYNCED MOBILE & DESKTOP APPS Stay flawlessly organized from the couch, coffee shop, and everywhere else

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