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Studio One icon

Studio One


Studio One is an advanced digital audio workstation for Mac and Windows featuring a bevy of powerful composition, editing, mixing and mastering tools on top of standard multi-track DAW features. Highly praised for its intuitive chord track that lets users drag and drop both...

Studio One screenshot 1

License model


  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Linux
5 / 5 Avg rating (2)


Suggest and vote on features
  1.  Audio Recording
  2.  Drag and Drop
  3.  Mix Music
  4.  Digital Audio Workstation
  5.  Virtual Instrument
  6.  Music Sequencer
  7.  Works Offline
  8.  Lossless Audio
  9.  Support for MIDI
  10.  Live Performance
  11.  Support for VST Plugins
  12.  Music Looper
  13.  Piano Roll
  14.  MIDI Clips
  15.  MIDI Keyboard Input

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Studio One information

  • Developed by

  • Licensing

    Proprietary and Commercial product.
  • Pricing

    One time purchase (perpetual license) ranging between $99 and $399.
  • Rating

    Average rating of 5
  • Alternatives

    75 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

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Our users have written 1 comments and reviews about Studio One, and it has gotten 47 likes

Studio One was added to AlternativeTo by gaby23 on Jul 1, 2011 and this page was last updated Oct 3, 2023.

Comments and Reviews

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Top positive commentMar 16, 2019

I will say, the learning curve, moving to Studio One 3 from the DAW's I had past experience with (Ableton Live 6 - 9, Audacity, SONAR, Caustic3, Garageband) was a fair bit steeper than I expected, but my philosophy on all DAW's is that the interface is either immediately intuitive or will require time for your brain to decode the workflow. I'd still consider myself an amateur with it, compared to the others I'd used, and already, the difference in power and capabilities is almost astounding. Studio One is like a God Mode of desktop music production, limited ONLY by your imagination (I almost included "and resources" but decided against. I'd venture to say, if there's a particular instrument, preset or effect you can't get access to or, for whatever unlikely reason, can't find a serviceable alternative to - for free - online, Studio One can be a miracle for exercising creativity within your limitations.) and you'll soon find your imagination jumping into overdrive. Each small problem I solve, by alternate method or silly cheats that I normally would have assumed could never work, opens up a whole new arsenal in my book of production tricks that I can't wait to utilize next session.


What is Studio One?

Studio One is an advanced digital audio workstation for Mac and Windows featuring a bevy of powerful composition, editing, mixing and mastering tools on top of standard multi-track DAW features. Highly praised for its intuitive chord track that lets users drag and drop both audio and MIDI content in for seamless chord detection and editing, the DAW also features an adept arranger track for easy composition and navigation, scratchpads for experimentation, flexible, multi-touch compatible mixing console and much more.

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