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Sprint Reader


Speed reading made easy, train yourself to read 1800+ words per minute. Rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) at its best!.

Sprint Reader screenshot 1

License model

  • FreeProprietary

Application type


  • Google Chrome
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Sprint Reader information

  • Developed by

    Anthony Nosek
  • Licensing

    Proprietary and Free product.
  • Written in

  • Alternatives

    23 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

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  •  198 Stars
  •  53 Forks
  •  18 Open Issues
  •   Updated Oct 24, 2023 

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What is Sprint Reader?

Speed reading made easy, train yourself to read 1800+ words per minute. Rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) at its best!

Sprint Reader is an easy to use speed reading extension.

Simply select text on a webpage, right-click and select 'Sprint read selected text' from the menu. This will launch the reader window, the selected text is displayed word-by-word in a fixed focal position. The duration of each slide is calculated based upon a word-per-minute (WPM) setting.

This method of reading is known as “Rapid Serial Visual Presentation” or RSVP for short. Studies have shown the habit of internally “sounding out” (sub-vocalising) words is a limiting factor which prevents faster reading speeds from being obtained. RSVP eliminates the “sounding out” of words as individual words are not displayed long enough for sub-vocalisation to occur.

RSVP proves that humans are capable of absorbing information at speeds much faster than standard reading rates with the same level of comprehension.

Please show us your support and spread the word. Sprint Reader is under constant development and we're always looking to improve.

Key features of Sprint Reader:

  • Multiple colour schemes

  • Optimal letter highlighting

  • Automatic language detection

  • Adjustable font and font size.

  • Adjustable word-per-minute (WPM)

  • Intelligent hyphenation of words

  • Focal guides to improve attention

  • Adjustable words-per-slide (chunk size)

  • Provision for different display algorithms

  • Optimal word positioning to improve comprehension

  • Optional grammar delays:

    1. Comma
    2. Period
    3. Paragraph
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