Falkon icon
Falkon icon



Falkon, formerly QupZilla, is a QtWebEngine based cross-platform web browser.

It aims to be a lightweight web browser available through all major platforms.

Falkon has all standard functions you expect from a web browser. It includes bookmarks, history (both also in sidebar).

Falkon screenshot 1

License model

  • FreeOpen Source

Application type


  • Linux
  • KDE Plasma
  • Flathub
  • Haiku
4.1 / 5 Avg rating (14)


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  1.  Lightweight


  1.  Built-in Ad-blocker
  2.  Based on QTWebEngine
  3.  Cross-Platform
  4.  Portable
  5.  Speed dial
  6.  Extensible by Plugins/Extensions
  7.  Fast speed
  8.  Built-in RSS reader
  9.  Multiple languages

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  • App icon
    POX added Falkon as alternative to Opera Air
    2 days ago
  • AlternativeToMe liked Falkon
    4 days ago
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    canermeow added Falkon as alternative to Sigma AI Browser
    8 days ago
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    Danilo_Venom added Falkon as alternative to Google Chrome
    10 days ago
  • kelsonv reviewed Falkon  
    15 days ago

    Good balance of features and light weight for low-end hardware like the PineTab2 and virtual machines. More capable than NetSurf or Dillo, and faster than Firefox, Chrome, Vivaldi or Angelfish. It also runs well under LXQt, which I like to use on that low-spec hardware.

    Downsides: No support for Chromium extensions, and the Falkon extension pool is small. No support for external password managers, but works with auto-type. No bookmark sync, but you can send pages from your phone to the...

  • App icon
    POX added Falkon as alternative to IronFox
    about 1 month ago
  • App icon
    POX added Falkon as alternative to FixBrowser
    about 1 month ago
  • soulrain thinks Lightweight is a important feature of Falkon
    about 2 months ago
  • kelsonv liked Falkon
    about 2 months ago
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    muhammadfarag added Falkon as alternative to Avira Secure Browser
    2 months ago
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Falkon information

  • Developed by

  • Licensing

    Open Source (GPL-3.0) and Free product.
  • Rating

    Average rating of 4.1 (14 ratings)
  • Alternatives

    182 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

AlternativeTo Category

Web Browsers

Our users have written 15 comments and reviews about Falkon, and it has gotten 166 likes

Falkon was added to AlternativeTo by t2h on Dec 27, 2011 and this page was last updated Sep 5, 2024. Falkon is sometimes referred to as QupZilla.

Comments and Reviews

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Comment summary: Falkon is highly regarded for its lightweight design and speed, making it ideal for older, resource-limited computers. Users appreciate its built-in AdBlocker and compatibility across various operating systems, although some miss more extensive extension support. There are concerns about limited add-ons and update frequency, limiting its use as a primary browser. Despite these limitations, fans of Falkon note that it helps extend the life of older devices, potentially reducing e-waste.
Top positive commentOct 18, 2018

Falkon is very lightweight and runs quickly. If I need to quickly load a webpage, I run it through Falkon. However, if you're looking for in-depth customisation, such as through extensions, then Falkon doesn't have much in that regard. At least it comes with AdBlocker built in, and Greasemonkey, so if you're savvy with Greasemonkey scripts, then Falkon will do just fine for you.

Top negative commentNov 11, 2022
• Edited Nov 12, 2022

Works in portable, but not standard installation on Win 10. Seems to think Falkon is already running and then gives MSVCR120.dll missing issue. Tried to install with all Google processes stopped. Using portable, I miss Adguard or Ublock Origin. Adblock just doesn't cut it for me. (no extensions)

Kelson V
Positive commentJan 23, 2025

Good balance of features and light weight for low-end hardware like the PineTab2 and virtual machines. More capable than NetSurf or Dillo, and faster than Firefox, Chrome, Vivaldi or Angelfish. It also runs well under LXQt, which I like to use on that low-spec hardware.

Downsides: No support for Chromium extensions, and the Falkon extension pool is small. No support for external password managers, but works with auto-type. No bookmark sync, but you can send pages from your phone to the desktop using KDE Connect if Falkon is your default browser.

Positive commentSep 19, 2023

It is by far the fastest and simplest browser i've come across so far. While it currently doesn't provide many useful extensions, it is still delivered with a built-in AdBlocker that does a wonderful job. A favourite for old and slow computers !

Positive commentMay 7, 2022

it's lightweight and simple

Ada Byron
Positive commentApr 1, 2022

Love Falkon and it is alive again!!! After 3.1 update in March 2019 no more updates came but 3.2 released January 2022 so it is 'officially' active again. Despite being under KDE project, it works with all distros/GUIs of Linux and also Windows back to Win7. It is not specific to KDE.

I use it as my testing and sandboxing web browser. Ensures items stay separated and has always provided functionality necessary.

It is also the best lightweight browser I found that can provide access to net without sacrificing much, maintaining security, and very light on resources. If you have a device that is older and resource hog browser is the lone item making it unbearable, this is the solution to that. On older devices I run this and only open the 'normal' browsers when I have to. I already extend out device life to 10 yearish mark. Even dozen years old with Ubuntu on Gnome 3.3x and using Falkon instead of other browsers as able, devices can hit 12-15 year mark easily (this written during ubuntu 20.04, 22.04 ltsr releasing in few weeks) those older devices cannot handle kde even so falkon maybe even more useful in keeping devices running.

If more people knew about Falkon, it could help cut down on e-waste, seriously. Many people could get another year of use of their device with hardly any pain-point if they just had a lightweight browser like Falkon. I have a family member that uses a 10 year old device over school device they provided to them that is less than 3 years old simply because of bloated build, which is cycled out, paid from tax money, create waste ....

Software like Falkon can be server far greater purposes than 'just a lightweight browser'.

CommentFeb 11, 2022

This browser is NOT discontinued Lastest release was in 2022.

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What is Falkon?

Falkon, formerly QupZilla, is a QtWebEngine based cross-platform web browser.

It aims to be a lightweight web browser available through all major platforms.

Falkon has all standard functions you expect from a web browser. It includes bookmarks, history (both also in sidebar) and tabs. Above that, it has by default enabled blocking ads with a built-in AdBlock plugin.

During the Akademy 2017 Konqueror BoF, the ex-maintainer of Konqueror icon Konqueror , David Faure, proposed to integrate QupZilla into KDE in order to replace the aging Konqueror. His reasoning is that QupZilla is already much more advanced in terms of webbrowsing features, and there is almost nobody working in Konqueror, so there is no point in duplicating efforts.

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