PortableApps.com icon
PortableApps.com icon



PortableApps.com is a website offering many free, commonly used Windows applications that have been specially packaged for portability. These portable applications can be used from removable media such as USB flash drives.

PortableApps.com screenshot 1

License model

  • FreeOpen Source

Application type


  • Windows
  • Linux  Works With Linux, Unix, etc via Wine
  • Online
  • BSD  Works With BSD via Wine
  • PlayOnLinux (PlayOnMac)
  • Wine
4.4 / 5 Avg rating (11)
0 news articles


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  1.  Lightweight


  1.  Portable
  2.  App Discovery
  3.  Application Launchers
  4.  Ad-free
  5.  Auto Update
  6.  Software Management
  7.  No registration required
  8.  Auto-installer
  9.  Update Notifier
  10.  Launcher

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PortableApps.com information

  • Developed by

    Rare Ideas, LLC
  • Licensing

    Open Source and Free product.
  • Rating

    Average rating of 4.4 (11 ratings)
  • Alternatives

    35 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

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Our users have written 10 comments and reviews about PortableApps.com, and it has gotten 603 likes

PortableApps.com was added to AlternativeTo by nefycee on Nov 27, 2009 and this page was last updated Dec 19, 2022. PortableApps.com is sometimes referred to as PortableApps, PortableApps.com Launcher, PAL.

Comments and Reviews

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Top positive commentJan 26, 2018
  • Complete Apps Database
  • Auto Detect all .exe inside portableapps subfolder (useful for automatic apps register)
  • Able to run apps at startup automatically after launch portableapps.com platform by right click the apps, run at startup
Top negative commentApr 23, 2016

Dirty Portables make changes on the host and then attempt to remove/mitigate changes

Clean Portables make ZERO changes on the host.

Ney Khax
Positive commentJun 30, 2023

I've been using it for over a decade. My life would not be the same without this tool and the recommendations for portable programs that I got from its official site.

Ivan Ivanovych
Positive commentDec 31, 2021

convenient and simple

CommentOct 4, 2020

I'm often hesitant to download portable apps from portableapps.com because they're so bloated with stuff from portableapps.com. Is there a way to download clean portables from portableapps.com?

CommentMay 16, 2017

It has all the necessary apps and updated regularly !

CommentAug 17, 2016

portableapps.com is listed with the Linux tag. This should be removed. The site states that Wine is required to run their collection under Linux. They also suggest Wine and other emulated solutions to get these native Windows apps to run under macOS. You might as well boot into Windows on a Virtual Machine and run these apps or remove Linux entirely and replace with Windows.

I was a big fan of this site and especially portablefreeware.com (which I miss dearly) when I was a Windows user but these are not native Linux apps. On a positive note, Linux should soon see real (native), stable, portable solutions becoming more mainstream in the form of Ubuntu Snap Packages, Flatpak and others.

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What is PortableApps.com?

PortableApps.com is a website offering many free, commonly used Windows applications that have been specially packaged for portability. These portable applications can be used from removable media such as USB flash drives. User data is stored in a subfolder, allowing the user to upgrade or move the software without affecting the data. To remove the software, a user can simply delete the main folder.

The PortableApps.com Launcher (also known as PAL) is used to make applications portable by handling path redirection, environment variable changes, file and directory movement, configuration file path updates and similar changes, as configured. The PortableApps.com Launcher allows software to be made portable without the need to write custom code or make changes to the base application. While some of the software packages released on PortableApps.com currently still contain their own custom launchers, the PortableApps.com Launcher is used in all new apps released.

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