Player FM AlternativesPodcast Players and other similar apps like Player FM

Player FM is described as ' is a podcast player you can use in your browser. Player FM makes it easy to discover and listen to online news and views on thousands of topics' and is a Podcast Player in the audio & music category. There are more than 100 alternatives to Player FM for a variety of platforms, including Android, iPhone, iPad, Web-based and Windows apps. The best Player FM alternative is AntennaPod, which is both free and Open Source. Other great apps like Player FM are Pocket Casts, TuneIn Radio, Tiny Tiny RSS and gPodder.

filter to find the best alternatives

Player FM alternatives are mainly Podcast Players but may also be Podcast Managers or RSS Readers.  Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Player FM.
Player FM iconPlayer FM
  • ... is a podcast player you can use in your browser. Player FM makes it easy to discover and listen to online news and views on thousands of topics.

More about Player FM
Player FM alternatives page was last updated Jan 29, 2025
  1. AntennaPod icon

    A free and open source podcastmanager for Android, allowing you to subscribe to podcasts (via iTunes database & OPML), automatically download episodes using powerful mechanisms and listen to them the way you like (speed, balance adjustments, etc).

    64 AntennaPod alternatives
    AntennaPod screenshot 1
    AntennaPod screenshot 2
    AntennaPod screenshot 3

    License model

    • FreeOpen Source


    • Android
    • Android Tablet
    • F-Droid


    1.  Lightweight
    2.  Privacy focused
    3.  Customizable


    1.  Podcast Manager
    2.  Ad-free
    3.  Podcast Player
    4.  Works Offline
    5.  Stream audio
    6.  Cloud Sync
    7.  No registration required
    8.  Silence-Skip
    9.  Dark Mode
    10.  Playback speed control
    11.  Import/Export OPML Feeds
    12.  No Tracking
    AntennaPod iconPlayer FM Icon

    AntennaPod VS Player FM

    Is AntennaPod a good alternative to Player FM?
    • AntennaPod is the most popular Android & Android Tablet alternative to Player FM.

    • AntennaPod is the most popular Open Source & free alternative to Player FM.

    • AntennaPod is Free and Open SourcePlayer FM is Freemium and Proprietary
    • AntennaPod is Lightweight, Privacy focused and CustomizablePlayer FM is not according to our users
  2. Pocket Casts icon

    Discover the world's most powerful podcast player. Pocket Casts has all the podcasts you know & love; over 300k. Find Trending, Most Popular podcasts & more.

    117 Pocket Casts alternatives
    Pocket Casts screenshot 1
    Pocket Casts screenshot 2
    Pocket Casts screenshot 3

    License model

    • FreemiumOpen Source


    • Mac
    • Windows
    • Online
    • Android
    • iPhone
    • Chrome OS
    • Android Tablet
    • iPad

    Top Pocket Casts Features

    1.  Podcast Player
    2.  Works Offline
    3.  Cloud Sync
    4.  Podcast Manager
    5.  Import/Export OPML Feeds
    6.  Dark Mode
    7.  Ad-free
    8.  Chromecast Support
    9.  Playlist Filtering
    10.  AirPlay Support
    11.  Auto-delete on listen
    Pocket Casts iconPlayer FM Icon

    Pocket Casts VS Player FM

    Is Pocket Casts a good alternative to Player FM?
    • Pocket Casts is the most popular Web-based, Windows, Mac, iPhone & iPad alternative to Player FM.

    • Pocket Casts is Freemium and Open SourcePlayer FM is Freemium and Proprietary
  3. TuneIn Radio icon

    With TuneIn, stream local AM/FM stations (plus 100,000+ global stations) on all your devices, plus live news, game-winning sports coverage, music for every mood, podcasts for every passion, and more.

    216 TuneIn Radio alternatives
    TuneIn Radio screenshot 1
    TuneIn Radio screenshot 2
    TuneIn Radio screenshot 3

    License model

    • FreemiumProprietary


    • Windows
    • Online
    • Android
    • iPhone
    • HP webOS
    • Android Tablet
    • iPad
    • Apple Watch
    • Android Wear
    • Kindle Fire
    • Android TV
    • Kodi

    TuneIn Radio Features

    1.  Internet Radio
    2.  Support for FM Radio
    3.  Streaming
    4.  Location-based
    5.  Chromecast Support
    6.  Live Radio
    7.  Radio Player
    8.  Stream audio
    9.  Podcast Subscription
    TuneIn Radio iconPlayer FM Icon

    TuneIn Radio VS Player FM

    Is TuneIn Radio a good alternative to Player FM?
  4. Tiny Tiny RSS icon

    Open source web-based RSS reader with AJAX, allowing privacy through self-hosting, supports aggregation, sharing options, and JSON API. Offers OPML import/export, keyboard shortcuts, plugins, themes, podcast support, and an official Android client.

    267 Tiny Tiny RSS alternatives
    Tiny Tiny RSS screenshot 1

    License model

    • FreeOpen Source

    Application types


    • Linux
    • Self-Hosted
    • Software as a Service (SaaS)
    • Cloudron


    1.  Support for Themes
    2.  Lightweight


    1.  Import/Export OPML Feeds
    2.  Dark Mode
    3.  Web-Based
    4.  Integrated Search
    5.  Built-in RSS reader
    Tiny Tiny RSS iconPlayer FM Icon

    Tiny Tiny RSS VS Player FM

    Is Tiny Tiny RSS a good alternative to Player FM?
    • Tiny Tiny RSS is the most popular Linux, SaaS & Self-Hosted alternative to Player FM.

    • Tiny Tiny RSS is Free and Open SourcePlayer FM is Freemium and Proprietary
    • Tiny Tiny RSS is LightweightPlayer FM is not according to our users
  5. gPodder icon

    gPodder downloads and manages free audio and video content ("podcasts") for you. Listen directly on your computer or on your mobile devices.

    114 gPodder alternatives
    gPodder screenshot 1

    License model

    • FreeOpen Source


    • Mac
    • Windows
    • Linux
    • BSD
    • Xfce

    gPodder Features

    1.  Works Offline
    2.  Portable
    3.  Cloud Sync
    gPodder iconPlayer FM Icon

    gPodder VS Player FM

    Is gPodder a good alternative to Player FM?
  6. Podcast Addict icon

    With Podcast Addict, manage all your audio & video Podcasts, Radio on Demand as well as your YouTube channels and RSS News feeds from your Android device.

    123 Podcast Addict alternatives
    Podcast Addict screenshot 1
    Podcast Addict screenshot 2
    Podcast Addict screenshot 3

    License model

    • FreemiumProprietary


    • Android
    • Android Tablet
    • Android Wear

    Podcast Addict Features

    1.  Podcast Subscription
    2.  Import/Export OPML Feeds
    3.  Works Offline
    4.  Dark Mode
    5.  No registration required
    6.  Multiple languages
    7.  Integrated Search
    8.  Lockscreen Widget
    9.  Import from Google Reader
    Podcast Addict iconPlayer FM Icon

    Podcast Addict VS Player FM

    Is Podcast Addict a good alternative to Player FM?
  7. Anytime Podcast Player icon

    Anytime Podcast Player is a free and open-source podcast player that's designed to be simple and easy to use. Anytime is Podcasting 2.0 ready and will support more features as the app is developed.

    60 Anytime Podcast Player alternatives
    Anytime Podcast Player screenshot 1
    Anytime Podcast Player screenshot 2
    Anytime Podcast Player screenshot 3

    License model

    • FreeOpen Source


    • Android
    • iPhone
    • iPad


    1.  Lightweight


    1.  Ad-free
    2.  No registration required
    3.  Import/Export OPML Feeds
    4.  Dark Mode
    5.  Works Offline
    6.  Sleep Timer
    Anytime Podcast Player iconPlayer FM Icon

    Anytime Podcast Player VS Player FM

    Is this a good alternative to Player FM?
  8. Apple Podcasts icon

    Discover podcasts that entertain, inform, and inspire. Explore shows you’ll love from entertainment and comedy to news and sports.

    111 Apple Podcasts alternatives
    Apple Podcasts screenshot 1
    Apple Podcasts screenshot 2
    Apple Podcasts screenshot 3

    License model

    • FreeProprietary


    • Mac
    • iPhone
    • iPad
    • Apple Watch
    • Apple TV
    • Amazon Alexa

    Apple Podcasts Features

    1.  AirPlay Support
    2.  Works Offline
    3.  Personalized Recommendations
    4.  Chapter detection
    5.  Sync with iCloud
    Apple Podcasts iconPlayer FM Icon

    Apple Podcasts VS Player FM

    Is Apple Podcasts a good alternative to Player FM?
  9. Podcatcher: Podcast App icon

    Podcatcher offers a free, ad-free podcast experience with a simple user interface. Discover and subscribe to podcasts, add custom URLs, and get notifications for new episodes. Enjoy playback speed control without distortion, chapter support, artwork, and automatic pause skipping.

    50 Podcatcher: Podcast App alternatives
    Podcatcher: Podcast App screenshot 1
    Podcatcher: Podcast App screenshot 2
    Podcatcher: Podcast App screenshot 3

    License model

    • FreeProprietary

    Application type


    • iPhone


    1.  Privacy focused


    1.  No Tracking
    2.  Ad-free
    3.  Import/Export OPML Feeds
    4.  No registration required
    5.  Playback speed control
    6.  Push Notifications
    7.  Silence-Skip
    8.  speech transcription
    9.  Chapter detection
    Podcatcher: Podcast App iconPlayer FM Icon

    Podcatcher: Podcast App VS Player FM

    Is this a good alternative to Player FM?
  10. Kasts icon

    Kasts is a podcast application for mobile Linux devices. It is a part of the Plasma Mobile app collection.

    96 Kasts alternatives
    Kasts screenshot 1

    License model

    • FreeOpen Source


    • Linux
    • KDE
    • Linux Mobile
    • Flathub
    • Plasma Mobile


    1.  Lightweight


    1.  Podcast Player
    2.  Podcast Manager
    3.  KDE
    4.  Ad-free
    5.  Desktop Application
    6.  Import/Export OPML Feeds
    7.  Works Offline
    8.  Flatpak
    9. Nextcloud icon  Sync with Nextcloud
    Kasts iconPlayer FM Icon

    Kasts VS Player FM

    Is Kasts a good alternative to Player FM?
  11. Overcast icon

    A powerful yet simple podcast player for iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch.

    101 Overcast alternatives
    Overcast screenshot 1

    License model

    • FreemiumProprietary


    • Online
    • iPhone
    • iPad
    • Apple Watch

    Overcast Features

    1.  Import/Export OPML Feeds
    2.  No registration required
    3.  Cloud Sync
    4.  Dark Mode
    5.  Works Offline
    6.  Smart playlists
    7.  Auto-delete
    8.  Create Playlist
    Overcast iconPlayer FM Icon

    Overcast VS Player FM

    Is Overcast a good alternative to Player FM?
  12. Mixcloud icon

    Explore 50+ million radio shows, DJ mixes and podcasts made by passionate creators around the world, for free.

    36 Mixcloud alternatives
    Mixcloud screenshot 1
    Mixcloud screenshot 2
    Mixcloud screenshot 3

    License model

    • FreemiumProprietary


    • Online
    • Android
    • iPhone
    • Android Tablet
    • iPad
    • Apple TV

    Mixcloud Features

    1.  Streaming
    Mixcloud iconPlayer FM Icon

    Mixcloud VS Player FM

    Is Mixcloud a good alternative to Player FM?
12 of 121 Player FM alternatives