Nitro PDF Reader icon
Nitro PDF Reader icon

Nitro PDF Reader


Nitro PDF Reader offers features and functionality far beyond typical PDF readers, and makes working with PDF easier than ever before.

Nitro PDF Reader screenshot 1

License model

  • FreemiumProprietary

Application types


  • Windows  Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, also 64-bit

The free version of the program is no longer offered by the company. The official website now redirects to Nitro PDF  icon Nitro PDF

3.3 / 5 Avg rating (3)
0 news articles


Suggest and vote on features
  1.  PDF annotation
  2.  Sign PDF files
  3.  Combine PDF
  4.  PDF OCR
  5.  Create PDF files
  6.  Print to PDF

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Nitro PDF Reader information

  • Developed by

    Nitro Software, Inc.
  • Licensing

    Proprietary and Freemium product.
  • Pricing

    Subscription that costs $0 per month + free version with limited functionality.
  • Rating

    Average rating of 3.3
  • Alternatives

    76 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

AlternativeTo Category

Office & Productivity

Our users have written 6 comments and reviews about Nitro PDF Reader, and it has gotten 107 likes

Nitro PDF Reader was added to AlternativeTo by pipo2003 on May 26, 2010 and this page was last updated Nov 4, 2022. Nitro PDF Reader is sometimes referred to as Nitro PDF, Nitro Reader, Nitro.

Comments and Reviews

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Top positive commentOct 7, 2014

Sumatra PDF is hands-down the fastest and best PDF reader that is only used for reading, and nothing else. I use it in the PortableApps suite. For creating and editing PDF files, especially the quick and easy way by "printing to PDF", Nitro PDF is a good replacement for PDF Creator, which used to be popular, but has had a lot of controversy due to unethical malware bundled with it. For everything Sumatra PDF can't do, Nitro PDF has worked well for me. I also use for adding signatures and other little edits.

1 reply

Nitro Reader has a nice signature functionality. Can do a bit of annotation, too.

Reply written Jan 24, 2018

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Top negative commentJun 5, 2018

There may have been a time that this program was free for personal use, but now you only get to Evaluate it for 15 days before you have to buy it. After downloading Nitro Reader, I noticed that during the installation there was an advanced option for turning certain installation tasks off. It does, in fact, like to make sure that it is In control of control of everything PDF on your PC. I personally don't like it whenever programs try to take control of everything. once I finished the installation and got the program up and running, I went to the file menu and was presented with this confusing interface for browsing for a file only to click a "browse button" to have it open the friendly and very familiar open file dialog. They should've simply kept the interface simple with a file open menu instead of that weird app thing that is a bit too showy.

I haven't tried Sumatra PDF yet, but that's next on my to do list.

Since I'm here and you're here, allow me to climb up on my soap box and exclaim how much I hate the tablet PC interface that everything is adopting. I understand that tablets are popular and many people make use of them, but it is really not necessary to fashion every single program that you can after a push button tap on the screen type of user interface. It is not futuristic or attractive however, it is boring and lacking in imagination. Boxes, boxes come get your boxes! I, personally am not a big fan of that myself because I'm not addicted to a tablet or a cell phone and do not have to have it with me every single moment of every single day!

Okay, that is the end of my rant and you have a nice day!

CommentApr 8, 2018

Updating of PDF thumbnails is very slow under Windows 10 Pro.

CommentNov 14, 2011

This application seems overly heavy and sluggish. The installation takes a long time, it validates itself and such (I prefer installers that just install) and I got the feeling it installs After installation I noticed it had associated the files it reads to itself (so PDFs will by default open in Nitro).

When using Nitro PDF to browse pages in a PDF, I experienced a delay of about 1 second. The same document reads without any delay in both Adobe Reader, Acrobat and Sumatra PDF.

CommentJul 21, 2010

Nice, looks like Office 2010 interface. It has a lot of functionality and isn't just a reader. Currently Beta so be aware.

CommentMay 28, 2010

i'm still testing it, so far looks impressive. Perfect replacement for Adobe Reade or Foxit


What is Nitro PDF Reader?

Nitro PDF Reader offers features and functionality far beyond typical PDF readers, and makes working with PDF easier than ever before.

Create PDF files, comment and review, save PDF forms, extract text and images, type text directly onto the page, and more.

Start working with PDF files the way you always wanted.

There is also a printer driver included, which you can use to create PDFs from any application.

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