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MC Musiceditor


MC Musiceditor is free/open source (GPLv2) music notation software (Windows). It has been developed with only one purpose: to make life of musicians easier when making scores. This results in a userfriendly editor which makes professional scores without requiring specific...

MC Musiceditor screenshot 1

License model

  • FreeOpen Source

Application type


  • Windows
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MC Musiceditor information

  • Developed by

    Reinier Maliepaard
  • Licensing

    Open Source and Free product.
  • Alternatives

    43 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

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Audio & Music

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MC Musiceditor was added to AlternativeTo by Vikash on Mar 25, 2012 and this page was last updated Sep 9, 2022.
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What is MC Musiceditor?

MC Musiceditor is free/open source (GPLv2) music notation software (Windows). It has been developed with only one purpose: to make life of musicians easier when making scores. This results in a userfriendly editor which makes professional scores without requiring specific knowledge (other than musical basics)! In short: MC Musiceditor is the easiest way to write, refine, hear and print professional scores.

MC Musiceditor uses a modification of the ABC-language which was invented by Chris Walshaw. The ABC language is simple to use and can create music scores from basic melodies to a complex symphony score. Our modification of the ABC-language makes it, in our opinion, all easier (why? Part 1 - Part 2).

For the convenience of ABC-users, MC Musiceditor 6.0.9 and later is a hybrid version: you can use the MC Musiceditor for MCM-code (default) and ABC-code! The trigger is L:mcm_default. If found, the code will be interpreted as MCM. If L: value doesn't equal to 'mcm_default', the code will be interpreted as ABC.

With MC Musiceditor 6.1.0 and later you can convert MCM and ABC code to a Javascript webstring which can be parsed by Abcjs. Abcjs is an open source parsing and rendering tool for ABC written entirely in Javascript, so it allows sheet music to be rendered with the browser.