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MapSCII is a mapping tool that enables users to explore geographic locations in a text-based format. It was specifically designed for visually impaired individuals who may have difficulty accessing and navigating traditional graphical maps.

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  • FreeOpen Source


  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Snapcraft
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  1.  Based on OpenStreetMap
  2.  ASCII Art

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OS & UtilitiesTravel & Location

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  •  259 Forks
  •  46 Open Issues
  •   Updated Nov 3, 2024 
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What is MapSCII?

MapSCII is a mapping tool that enables users to explore geographic locations in a text-based format. It was specifically designed for visually impaired individuals who may have difficulty accessing and navigating traditional graphical maps. By converting maps into text, it provides a more accessible and user-friendly way for these individuals to understand their surroundings. The tool uses a combination of ASCII characters and Unicode braille characters to represent different elements of a map, such as roads, buildings, and landmarks. Users can navigate the map using a keyboard, which allows for greater control and customization of the experience. Overall, MapSCII is a valuable resource for promoting accessibility and inclusivity in the world of mapping and navigation.

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