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LBRY is the first digital marketplace to be controlled by the market's participants rather than a corporation or other 3rd-party.

LBRY screenshot 1

License model

  • FreeOpen Source


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  • Online
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  • AppImageHub
4.4 / 5 Avg rating (16)
0 news articles


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  1.  Privacy focused
  2.  Free Speech


  1.  Decentralized
  2.  Ad-free
  3.  Based on Blockchain
  4.  Share Videos
  5.  Donations
  6.  Desktop Application
  7.  DRM Free
  8.  Video upload
  9.  Video Hosting
  10.  Staking
  11.  Community-based
  12.  Anonymous Commenting
  13.  Porn filter
  14.  No Tracking
  15.  Dark Mode
  16.  Streaming
  17.  Rewards
  18.  3D Printing
  19.  Upload images

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  • BIGLINUX, rassera, ekroberts73 and thejfex liked LBRY
    2 days ago
  • Coy73, ezjpzy, zxanderson1 and sredfred liked LBRY
    about 2 months ago
  • ElonBodyodor liked LBRY
    5 months ago
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    POX added LBRY as alternative to Bilibili
    7 months ago
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LBRY information

  • Licensing

    Open Source (MIT) and Free product.
  • Rating

    Average rating of 4.4 (16 ratings)
  • Alternatives

    31 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

Our users have written 12 comments and reviews about LBRY, and it has gotten 152 likes

LBRY was added to AlternativeTo by Ruvenss G Wilches on Jun 23, 2019 and this page was last updated Apr 14, 2023.

Comments and Reviews

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Comment summary: LBRY is praised for its decentralized platform, allowing creators to monetize and receive tips without ads, and supporting open-source development. It's seen as a viable alternative to YouTube, attracting content creators. However, some criticism arises over alleged corruption, creator harassment, and its use of a proof-of-work blockchain, viewed as environmentally unfriendly.
No Yo
Top positive commentSep 12, 2019

Totally free from the censorship/demonetization of YouTube, everything is open source from bottom up, very clean design, allows to tip creators independent of any company. There are lots of YT creators already syncing their content to LBRY and there are almost any kind of content you can think of! Most importantly, no ads!

The web interface ( is a killer feature. Anybody can link to the web version without having to tell people to install the client or run it on their computer, just like any other video streaming service.

It is still missing a playlist feature which I would like to have. I hear they are working on it. But other than that, complete ad free video watching experience.

Top negative commentNov 1, 2020

Contrary to what they say (and put fake reviews themselves), the LBRY/Odysee team is corrupt. They have harassed several creators, who have just stopped creating videos - I have seen this happen to 3 creators. Their foundation team and advisors behave like gang members who like to exercise their power on LBRY payouts and on their Discord channels. There's a creator I know whose tips were blocked because he had an altercation with LBRY team on Discord about some trivial thing and furthermore people could not even tip him directly using "Support" button. So, LBRY/Odysee is just like YouTube, and even more contrary to what they market, they do censor videos. There's a serious lack of transparency in what they do. Oh and most of the times you can't even exchange their crypto because it is thrown out from exchanges and swapping sites. Unless you want unpredictable chump change and can tolerate random incidents of harassment from a corrupt group of people (who are not even creators), then put your videos on LBRY/Odysee, otherwise stay away!

Positive commentApr 4, 2024

its good idea i hope this to be countinue on this way .

Negative commentApr 19, 2023

"LBRY uses a public, proof-of-work blockchain that is very similar to Bitcoin"

Proof of work blockchain is environmentally unsound and should be avoided whenever possible.

2 replies

lol wut? 🤣 bro... gtfo. You're posting that on the internet. How exactly do you even hold that opinion? Its environmentally unsound, but what, other kinds of crypto mining isnt? You've been propagandized my bro. If you wanna not contribute to that, go live in a tent 🤷‍♂️

Reply written Feb 29, 2024

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PoW crypto mining IS environmentally unsound. I don't know if you never heared that crypto mining is burning our planet, or you don't believe in climate change, or you live in the corner of internet where ethics is not a thing.

Reply written Feb 29, 2024

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Positive commentSep 25, 2020

Host all kinds of content (Videe, Pictures, files, interactive), allows YouTubers to easily synchronize their content automatically, has build in payment system. Smaller channels have buffering issues, bigger channels seem mostly fine.

Positive commentAug 20, 2020

anything to chip at the global utility monopolies.

Positive commentAug 17, 2020

I believe LBRY is the real YouTube alternative because it is making the right decisions as a platform and taking time to develop what matters. LBRY is dynamic and versatile.

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What is LBRY?

LBRY is the first digital marketplace to be controlled by the market's participants rather than a corporation or other 3rd-party. It is the most open, fair, and efficient marketplace for digital goods ever created, with an incentive design encouraging it to become the most complete.

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