Glimpse Image Editor icon
Glimpse Image Editor icon

Glimpse Image Editor


Glimpse is an open source image editor based on the GNU Image Manipulation Program. The goal is to experiment with new ideas and expand the use of free software.

Glimpse Image Editor screenshot 1

License model

  • FreeOpen Source

Application types


  • Windows
  • Linux

The Glimpse editor has been discontinuedSource:

3.7 / 5 Avg rating (7)
0 news articles


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  1.  Customizable


  1.  Support for Layers
  2.  Retouch photos

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Glimpse Image Editor information

  • Developed by

    Glimpse contributors
  • Licensing

    Open Source and Free product.
  • Written in

  • Rating

    Average rating of 3.7
  • Alternatives

    166 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

AlternativeTo Category

Photos & Graphics

Our users have written 7 comments and reviews about Glimpse Image Editor, and it has gotten 32 likes

Glimpse Image Editor was added to AlternativeTo by Paul on Nov 25, 2019 and this page was last updated Apr 26, 2022.

Comments and Reviews

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Top positive commentMay 30, 2020

It’s a pimped up, pumped up GIMP. It has only one GUI window, and the usage is a bit more intuitive than in GIMP.

Top negative commentOct 26, 2024

Forgot about this, lol. Another case of talentless people creating an issue out of nothing. All they ended up doing was changing the name. Hilarious fail.

Theodore Hexter
Positive commentJun 8, 2021

Briefly, I just want to say, that GIMP, while it's a good program, has a name that can irritate many disabled people. That is the primary reason for changing to Glimpse, which has a kinder name.

Johannes Deml
ReviewNov 1, 2020

Tried it for a few months now. I'm happy there is an alternative to gimp building up, but right now I wouldn't recommend the switch from gimp to glimpse. I had the feeling it is a Gimp lite, which has still a few issues (nothing too major though).

I will still follow development with exictement and looking forward to where this project will head :)

Negative commentOct 30, 2020

In it's current state it's basically GIMP with a new name, icon, and some hotkeys.

I see very little adoption in schools happening. Colleges will just purchase Photoshop (as they should) and GIMP. Quite a few of the high schools I've worked in have purchased full Adobe CC subscriptions in bulk. Web-based photo editors are just overall better in a school environment. The online accounts makes it easier to check out laptops/tablets to the students, grade assignments when synced to the student's Google Drive, and access assignments when at home. Plus adding a bookmark saves much more time than installing software on dozens and dozens of laptops.

+1 Star for the new icon +1 Star (in faith) for the upcoming accessibility features

It's been over a year and they've hardly done anything. Yet they're already planning on launching another image editor. Aside from accessibility, they're solving problems that are either so small, nonexistent, or already have solutions.

Fabrice D
Positive commentJul 30, 2020

Really good alternative to Gimp (as it's a fork) ! Works fine with "resynthesizer" / "Heal selection" plugin under Linux Mint 20 (as i didn't managed to make this plugin work with Gimp !!!).

I finally replaced Gimp with Glimpse.

Darlene Sonalder
Positive commentApr 19, 2020

Can't wait for a MacOS X version this new soft is really nice

1 reply
Theodore Hexter

Having had a Mac, I think that is one thing that Glimpse should get into as GIMP is there.

Reply written Jun 8, 2021

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What is Glimpse Image Editor?

Glimpse is an open source image editor based on the GNU Image Manipulation Program. The goal is to experiment with new ideas and expand the use of free software.

Show Off Your Imagination Use a complete set of professional photography tools to turn your snapshots into works of art. Adjust, crop, remove objects, retouch, and repair old photos. Play with color, effects, and more to turn the ordinary into something extraordinary.

For Any Blemish Fix common imperfections like red eye, lens distortion, and more with the powerful corrective tools Glimpse provides.

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