Form2chat icon
Form2chat icon



Form backend for receiving submissions directly to the chat platforms: Telegram, Viber, Messenger, Slack, etc.


License model

  • FreemiumProprietary


  • Online
  • Telegram
  • Slack
  • Facebook
  • Software as a Service (SaaS)
  • Viber
  • Facebook Messenger
5 / 5 Avg rating (2)
0 news articles


Suggest and vote on features
  1.  No Coding Required
  2.  Serverless
  3.  Direct file uploading
  4.  Push Notifications
  5.  Supports Telegram
  6.  Contact Forms
  7. Viber icon  Viber integration
  8.  Chat Bot
  9.  Slack bot
  10.  Web Forms
  11.  Web tool
  12.  Telegram Bot

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Form2chat information

  • Developed by

    Viacheslav Kysil
  • Licensing

    Proprietary and Freemium product.
  • Pricing

    Subscription that costs up to $10 per month + free version with limited functionality.
  • Rating

    Average rating of 5
  • Alternatives

    52 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

AlternativeTo Categories

Office & ProductivityDevelopment

Our users have written 2 comments and reviews about Form2chat, and it has gotten 6 likes

Form2chat was added to AlternativeTo by Viacheslav Kysil on Sep 16, 2019 and this page was last updated Dec 3, 2020.

Comments and Reviews

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Top positive commentOct 13, 2020

I've been using it for a couple of weeks and it's great indeed! It makes running my business easier and more productive since I receive requests from my leads directly to my phone and process them immediately. It's much more convenient than checking my email all the time. And it really takes only a minute to set it up.

Positive commentSep 16, 2019

I am already using Form2chat and very pleased with results. Leads contact data goes directly from my website to my Telegram app and I can reach out my potential customers immediately.


What is Form2chat?

Form backend for receiving submissions directly to the chat platforms: Telegram, Viber, Messenger, Slack, etc.

Just copy your URL, and update your form's action attribute. No library, no CSS override, no iframe, nothing else is needed. Works with AJAX too.

With Form2chat you can search, filter, archive and leave comments on your submissions so you can analyze results and improve your forms. You may also accept file attachments, integrate your account with Zapier and Webhooks and invite your team members to your account to share the submissions.

Form2chat is great for Lead Gathering, setting up a Contact Form or Newsletter Sign-up form, and collecting Surveys results.

All plans include spam protection, search and filtering, AJAX compatibility, unlimited endpoints, multi-page usage and Zapier integration.

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