With FontBase you can easily create and manage collections, change font styles, instantly apply font styles in Photoshop, compare fonts, use live search and live text preview. It also supports automatic updates and easy to remember keyboard shortcuts. More features coming really soon.
Simply change the color, background, font size, line height and align of your fonts. Apply styles to the whole collection or just to individually selected fonts.
There is a number of predefined collections, such as recently added fonts (really useful), Typekit fonts and favorites. You can also create as many collections as you like by yourself.
Just press Enter and start typing. You'll see the sample text changing live for all fonts. You can also select a font and change the sample text individually, if you want to.
Start typing your search query, and you'll see the found fonts displaying in FontBase window immediately. As easy as that.
Tired of scrolling up and down when you need to compare two fonts? In FontBase, you can simply pin a font to top and easily compare it to any other font in your collection.
We support a broad number of OpenType features. That includes ligatures, tabular figures, super and subscript, swashes, old style figures and some more!
You can be sure, you'll always use the latest version of FontBase, because guess what? Automatic updates! No need to re-download. Ever.
Obvious and easy to remember shortcuts. Like Ctrl+F for search, or Enter for live text editing, or Ctrl+Scroll for changing font size. As easy as that!
Comments and Reviews
Had RightFont for a long time, but business decisions made me switch to FontBase. Similar Features but way more customer-friendly
Looks neat, but the UI has some usability issues.
However, the deal-breaker for me is that it doesn't allow you to add folders on a network drive. :(
Other than that, it looks like it could be good. If they ever support network folders, I'll give it another try.
Not open source, distributed on Linux only as an AppImage. The free version is lacking of so much features. It's just heavy and useless.
I am shocked that the developer thought it would be appropriate to charge money for this. This is not stable at all, and basic features like showing a grid instead of a list is behind a paywall!?!?!? Also, $180 for "forever"support, are you kidding me? Plex Pass does so much more than this application yet a perpetual licence is cheaper, and the monthly subscription is slightly more expensive but again, that application does a ton more than this. This developer should feel ashamed of themselves. Uninstalled after 5 minutes, I do not recommend, total waste of time. Should open source this under GPL and call it a day.
activates my fonts perfectly when i need to use them for an project just what i need :)
After using NexusFont for a few years, I've had to start looking for alternatives that can handle my unhealthy, ever-growing TLC's 'hoarders'- worthy collection of fonts. NexusFont will just grind to a halt occasionally, even with the collection being organized into several top-level and even more sub-level folders. I lasted about 20 minutes with FontBase before uninstalling it, with about 10 minutes of that time spent trying to find the window once open. It is yet another app that someone seems to have only tested on a 4K 30" screen, as the window was too large to fit on my laptop's screen while set to either 125/150% scaling. The minimum size coded into the app almost ended up filling my attached 1080 display set to 100% scaling.
DPI scaling support amongst apps is already a can of worms, but it's typically with legacy WFP-based or or older apps, so I was surprised when this UWP app was designed so poorly. To add insult to injury, there's so much empty real-estate in the UI that things started to make less sense. At that point I didn't bother setting custom DPI-scaling in the compatibility settings for it, especially after determining it was extremely lean on features (such as the tagging available in NexusFont, which was a must-have for me). Definitely not the app for me, and my horde of fonts, but it may be enough for others' purposes.
Great UI and really easy to use. Really wish it has Font synchronization between different computers though