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FLTR (Foreign Language Text Reader) helps you to do both extensive and intensive reading as part of your foreign language acquisition in an easy and pleasant way. Prerequisite is an installed Java Runtime Engine (JRE) from Oracle or OpenJDK.

Reading/Vocab (Linux)

License model

  • FreeOpen Source

Application type


  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Linux
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  1.  Reading

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FLTR was added to AlternativeTo by Language Learning Guy on Oct 9, 2020 and this page was last updated May 29, 2021. FLTR is sometimes referred to as Foreign Language Text Reader.
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What is FLTR?

FLTR helps you to do both extensive and intensive reading as part of your foreign language acquisition in an easy and pleasant way. While reading, you look up unknown words in web dictionaries (you must be online to do so) and save vocabulary terms (words and multi-word expressions) with translations, romanization (like Pinyin, Hiragana, etc., optional) and example sentence (optional). Each term has also a learning status (1/"Unknown" to 5/"Known", plus Statuses "Ignored" and "Well Known") with an associated color. The saved words will automatically show up with all their data and status in all texts in the same language. They can be easily imported into flashcard software like Anki via the export function. READ MORE: https://foreign-language-text-reader.sourceforge.io