FastCopy AlternativesOnly apps categorised as File Copy Utilities
The best File Copy alternative to FastCopy is TeraCopy, which is free. If that doesn't suit you, our users have ranked more than 25 alternatives to FastCopy and many of them are File Copy Utilities so hopefully you can find a suitable replacement. Other interesting File Copy Utility alternatives to FastCopy are Ultracopier, Robocopy, CopyMastro and SuperCopier.
filter to find the best alternatives
FastCopy alternatives are mainly File Copy Utilities but may also be File Sync Tools or File Managers. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of FastCopy.- File Copy Utility
- Freemium • Proprietary
- 703 likes35 TeraCopy alternatives
A free utility for fast, secure file copying that verifies files and skips bad ones during transfer, integrating seamlessly with Windows. The Pro version includes advanced features like favorite folder transfers, report saving, and file queue management, enhancing the file management experience.
License model
- Freemium • Proprietary
Application types
- Mac
- Windows
TeraCopy VS FastCopy
Is TeraCopy a good alternative to FastCopy? - 73 likes31 Ultracopier alternatives
Ultracopier replaces Windows explorer file copy and adds many features: Transfer resuming, transfer speed control, transfer speed computation, better transfer progress display, faster transfers, copy list editable while transferring.
Ultracopier VS FastCopy
Is Ultracopier a good alternative to FastCopy? - 41 likes52 Robocopy alternatives
Robocopy, or "Robust File Copy", is a command-line directory replication command. It has been available as part of the Windows Resource Kit starting with Windows NT 4.0, and was introduced as a standard feature of Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008.
Robocopy Features
Robocopy VS FastCopy
Is Robocopy a good alternative to FastCopy? - 5 likes11 CopyMastro alternatives
CopyMastro is an open source copy and backup utility developed by Marco Mastroddi. You don't need to install, just download, unzip and start it. Simple, fast and useful.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application type
- Mac
- Windows
- Linux
- Raspberry Pi
CopyMastro Features
CopyMastro VS FastCopy
Is CopyMastro a good alternative to FastCopy? - 51 likes31 SuperCopier alternatives
SuperCopier replaces Windows explorer file copy and adds many features: Transfer resuming, transfer speed control, transfer speed computation, better transfer progress display, faster transfers, copy list editable while transferring.
DiscontinuedThe official website states "Deprecated, use Ultracopier".SuperCopier was built 2016-01-02.
SuperCopier VS FastCopy
Is SuperCopier a good alternative to FastCopy? - 51 likes76 Copywhiz alternatives
Crazy & Smart File Copy Program for Windows that lets you have more control when copying files in Windows. Also automate complex tasks & save hours.
Copywhiz Features
Copywhiz VS FastCopy
Is Copywhiz a good alternative to FastCopy? - 25 likes24 Copy Handler alternatives
Copy Handler is a free software for Windows systems, which allows you to take full control over the file copy and move operations. Program is highly customizable and fully integrates with the operating system.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application type
- Windows
Copy Handler Features
Copy Handler VS FastCopy
Is Copy Handler a good alternative to FastCopy? - 3 likes26 PerigeeCopy alternatives
PerigeeCopy has been specifically created to address annoyances with Windows Explorer's built-in file operations. PerigeeCopy is a configurable Win32 shell extension that lets you copy, move, and delete files with the ease of Explorer's GUI, while at the same time adding...
DiscontinuedLatest update was in 2013, see
PerigeeCopy VS FastCopy
Is PerigeeCopy a good alternative to FastCopy? - 2 likes27 SchizoCopy alternatives
SchizoCopy is a software application for Microsoft Windows that is designed to be used to move or copy computer files. As an alternative to the Default Windows OS copy operations, it is designed to be faster and have more functionality than the native tool.
DiscontinuedThe project seems to be no longer developed. Last version, 1.1, released in November 2012, can be still downloaded from SourceForge.
SchizoCopy VS FastCopy
Is SchizoCopy a good alternative to FastCopy? - 15 likes30 RichCopy alternatives
Trust me when I tell you, this is the answer to all your file copying needs. What youll find most striking the first time you take RichCopy out for a spin is that its a multithreaded copying tool. That means that rather than copying one file at a time in serial order, RichCopy...
DiscontinuedThe program is no longer updated. Last version, 4.0.211, released in October 2009, can be still downloaded from the official website.
RichCopy VS FastCopy
Is RichCopy a good alternative to FastCopy? - 15 likes29 NiceCopier alternatives
NiceCopier is a simple, easy-to-use and handy instrument designed to replace the File Explorer file copy.
DiscontinuedLast Update: 2015-04-02
NiceCopier VS FastCopy
Is NiceCopier a good alternative to FastCopy? - 10 likes27 MiniCopier alternatives
MiniCopier is a multi-platform graphical copy manager. It lets you queue different transfers, resume a copy that has failed, limit the speed or pause the copy. If a transfer fails, an error is logged and the rest of the queue is treated. MiniCopier uses a system of drag-and-dro.
DiscontinuedThe program seems to be no longer updated. Last version, 0.5, released in May 2009, can be still downloaded from the official website.
MiniCopier VS FastCopy
Is MiniCopier a good alternative to FastCopy?
Comments about TeraCopy as an Alternative to FastCopy
TeraCopy uses closed proprietary code and is not open source.